Saturday, December 22, 2007

Walking in southeast London one day I read a sign about a mighty sailing ship
This outfit’s name comes from that due to the short skirt that led to the visible boarder on Gandharvika’s slip
Giridhari wears his traditional yellow and Mahaprabhu has navy blue to tie into the theme
And I don’t believe the tourists knew the significance of the scene.
Special guest star ‘Molly Dooker’ made the leis today very excellent combination of whole roses and petals made in the blink of an eye.
Beginning with respect to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa the flight of the peddler goes along the long and winding. The light at the hospital curve is coordinated today. Crossing the bridge and along the road of the tennis park to the redone road. The theater announces Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band show will be a couple of days after the holiday. The gecko is so happy to see me he comes onto the pavement and whistles. The shoppers have deserted their corner but the Cruiser King is sitting in his chair behind his reviewing stand. Staying out of the west side triangle the dog wash keeps me in line. Stopping at the post office to post no bills. Along the jazzercise road and the astanga yoga institute stays on the right. The harbor is active as I go to the toad road. I ask the toad about one of the folks who I used to see there pedaling back to the asrama. The toad tells me that he’s given up outside pedaling for the season and pilots his nowhere bike now. I take the hint to make it back for the vaikalika service. After I’ve headed to the south on the cold night with a scarf covering my mouth. The sun going down tells me it’s time to turn to the sunset service and I arrive just in time to pick some flowers and come blow my horn.
Saturday night and I dress them in the most blessed event. They’re wearing their chodders since it’s cold outside. Dancing and enjoying their pastimes it’s a festive feel.



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