Tuesday, December 18, 2007

First there is Mahaprabhu
Then Gandharvika Giridhari
Then they combine as Mahaprabhu
Mahaprabhu’s traditional color is mango
Giridhari yellow and Gandharvika’s is intensely beautiful blue
Powerful pretty rose leis too.
Reminiscent of Kisora-Kisori who have permanent leis with white roses and red outlines and Gandharvika-Giridhari have live roses of the same hue.
The motorcycle sloka slinger came by the asrama today in the midst of the rain and asked if i'd be squeaking in the barn today. So i was pedaling in the storm from the asrama to the ratha bhojana vrksa to the barn i pedaled in the storm. Slokas crowded my murkapujari mind. Where the ratha bhojana vrksa jumped out i started carbon fiber fork light stiffness. Carbon fiber fork. On the range pedalers came out of the rain. Every one remembers your name pedaling on the range. As i pedaled along i noticed it was raining dogs and cats. One of the dogs followed me home, Mom, can i keep him? Around the Saint Dagwood's river the local mendicants huddled and cheered me on. The gecko was in his rain gear also and wanted to see if i wouldn't take a poncho at least. i thought better of it and pedaled around to the east cliff where a couple of pedalers appeared in my mirror but that's where they stayed. Soon i was offering respect to the sri tree again and getting back for the vaikalika service.
Bhakta Blade came riding on a horse of a different color this evening and helped get them off to engage in their night pastimes.



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