Wednesday morning can’t you try to get the dhotis right? Orange flowers and sunshine particles for their hair. Om paramahamsa thakura Bhakta Blade has learned to tie Mahaprabhu’s cummerbund, the hairdresser creeping like a nun. Today it’s Giridhari who gets communist lei, oh what fun? Bhakta Blade’s mad skills are at work again.
Pedaling through the mid-morning fog the chill still in the air. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa stands stately to receive the respects of those traveling along the long and winding. Dodging the construction going left at the main road and then through the mystic parking lot of the aksa sapta-ekadas. Scooters go by in a quick to some other where. Wrapping around the hospital curve and on to the tennis park to the redone road. The gecko has condensation beading on his brow for it’s the height of the season being jolly. Avoiding the west side triangle the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot welcomes me and the harbor is on the right side as usual. Then the windmill comes off of the hill. The sunny cove sees me and a racing peddler exchange the hi sign. Coming up the rise and making the turn just before the squirrel crossing a couple of joggers move to the side. Then is the main road that leads to the long and winding. Cars are packed solid and drivers look on in wonder as the peddlers and I speed along the pavement past them all the way to the bridge over the west coast highway. Then the long and winding is there and the stately tree still silently watching us pass by yet another time for the vaikalika service.
The lotus nails this evening. Nrsinghadeva removes the obstacles on the path of devotion. He takes the anarthas and purifies his devotees. Srila Prabhupada concluded one lecture saying "chant the holy name knowing that you are touching Nrsinghadeva with your tongue and you will be purified as Prahlad was.
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