Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Once upon a time as SGM sat with his students. A light discussion was going on when he asked, “What is the difference between us and the greater society?” The students around the room gave their different opinions. None could satisfy. SGM gave his answer to his own question, they pay more attention to their dress. But brown kirta, waist coat, iridescent orange chodder and pleats, no this outfit isn't lacking a single thing. The seamstress may have over taken them with this vyasa puja offering. Jewelry offered by one who made it and one who bought other pieces. Leis are very special orange roses along with narcissus.
The sunny day beckons and after all the celebrations the pedalers offer respect to the sri tree and on into the near empty streets. Down to the hook and then past the public radio station. The redone road leads on to the theater. Everyone is somewhere else today letting their work take a holiday. The gecko has left a light or two on while he has found a different wheel to wrap around today. The shoppers have all gone and left only the school to cheer us pedalers along. The harbor is quiet today too. On to where the deer play and the coyotes yelp and then to bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and get on back to wake Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvika-Giridhari.
Riding on a horse of a different color, Vamsi dasa babaji enters Marakata Mani Puri, talking like a pirate. After the busy day they take their rest quickly. The chodders are back for the rest of the winter so dancing under the moon light 'till the spring or there abouts.



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