Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Have you noticed Gandharvika's complexion is molten gold? Queen of Giridhari's pleasure since days old. Giridhari in every color of the rainbow plays his flute to attract the service of everyone. And in that far off land Mahaprabhu began to dance and raise his hand. Then in the other land would do no other land. Not anther form of divinity will ever do!
Full rose and stock leis that scatter all around as the sank and karatalas mix in sweet masala and reach the highest sky.
The gecko and I pass the ratha-bhojana-vrksa with palms folded high. The main road to the southland and the snob hill. Thruogh the village to point to the hook and sprint between the lakes to the shop. A team out in the mist to practice for bad conditions. The gecko takes leaveto his shop while I take the corner to the reviewing stand. The cruiser king meets me there and guides me through the triangle on to the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot. From there the harbor appears and the casual peddlers are taking cover as the mist turns into full rain. I pass the tennis park and get back to the main road as fast as my hammering will get me there. Straight to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees me bowing my head as the kalarupa keeps me in line all the way to the sandhya.
Under rainny skies Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari allow me to dress them in their O deer dough have you seen Krsna? Night dress while they ready for dancing the night away.


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