Sunday, January 11, 2009

The sun is going down and the full moon is coming up
Mahaprabhu used to drink water from Sridhara's broken cup
But that's past your media time.
SP asks when will we play together in the cow fields of Vraja? When will we be rolling and frolicking on the ground among the cows and calves? Now that's pasture media time.
Pink and white dress offered on Guru Maharaja's appearance day
Analyzed SP's poem found that him to be a cowboy. Some of his disciples didn't want to hear it that way that pasture media time.
Leis of roses and petals all the devotees take darsan don't want to give it up their vision of pasture media time.
A quick one out into the warm afternoon bowing to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa I spin to the main road all the way to the curve that leads over Saint Dagwood's river where the gecko is waiting balancing for me. We go to the go light and take the right. Passing the tennis park we decide to go on to the beach and then between the lakes. The east cliff is also empty as were the opla cliff yesterday. Taking a left on the big road I stop at the navapatra while the gecko goes on back to his shop. I then go along the road that keeps the soccer pitch on my right. At the wharf road I take the left and hammer to the long and winding. That sees me pass the ratha-bhojana-vrksa with palms folded and raised overhead. The kalarupa comes along as I know I have to beat the tag at the asrama of the sandhya.
And when you take the name you know that you are touching Krsna with your tongue. That's a touch that kills all mundane desires and cleanses the heart of all material desires and gives us positive engagement in Gurudeva's service! Hip hip horah!


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