Panthas tu koti satto vatsaro sampragamya
Vayur athapi manasa muni pungavanam
So py asti yat prapado simya avicintya tattve
I worship Govinda the primeval lord the tips of the toes of who’s lotus feet are approached by the yogis who come to the parvivyoma by controlling the breath and the jnanis who separate the transcendental from the mundane.
While Mahaprabhu had gathered his devotees and was dancing through the streets a vision of Gandharvika’s sari came into my mind along with sight of her toes. That crowed the song out of my mind thus there was a pause ‘till sarvasya ca ham hrdi sanivisto matha smrtira jnana apo hanam ca yes my memory was restored. Then during the dressing i saw how yesterday’s short sari started a trend. First a simple extra little ruffle, today the last full measure is decorated and meant to become visible since the sari portion rises and falls due to being gathered making a valiance.
This fabric is like the color of foam on ghee. That’s how it got it’s name, havir bhu.
From the door of the seva asrama, respects to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa, and to the florist’s shop. Around the curve and over the bridge to the toad’s road the toffee nose is there with his famous green flag. One of the folks appears in front of me driving to an event that would have drawn so many from the “old country”. At the go light I had the chance to say to them “we meet again I see”. They made their turn and I continued on to the soccer pitch and beyond. With the pitch on the right I went over the opal cliff and to the point of the hook. The natasala is waiting for the second show. I pass the gecko’s but he’s gone home for the night. Around to the cruiser king’s reviewing stand where once again the toffee noses makes his snotty presence felt. At the triangle one beast barely misses me. Then the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot is also empty for the night. Back to the harbor and between the lakes. The east cliff is full of sufferers since the sun has shown it’s self today. The wharf road leads me on to the seva asrama and sandhya service declares.
In the ninth, tonight’s dress, Guru Maharaja appeared to connect us all to the highest conception of the line of Sri Rupa. Dressed in that way Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvika-Giridhari
Dance the night away
Labels: lotus toes
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