Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 29, 2008
They say if your ankles show you’re not chaste
So when this sari showed the tips of Gandharvika’s toes the seamstress added an extended ruffle to the slip in haste
To peek out the bottom and show Her proper taste.
Mahaprabhu’s royal blue with gold and red trim picked up the blue ribbon in Gandharvika’s sari and the red jewels on Giridhari’s coat and sash.
Traditional yellow for Giridhari and his chodder floats on the usual breeze as he turns pirouettes in beneath the trees.
Hyacinth leis with whole roses spiked in to give just enough weight to keep them out of their faces and overpowering them with the fragrance.
With the rain all but gone the tree calls me down again. Good King Midas’s former thrown witnesses my passing and the gecko is glad to see that not all have stayed away. His season is getting busy now but he helps me through the triangle so I’ll be around tomorrow. The skull and cross bones fly over the windmill again. The sunny cove is chilly today as it’s an icy wind that blows against the pedalers. The wharf road takes me back for vaikalika service. Where the Kernel of Divine love had some service descend to him today. That was to compare the cupid of our culture and kamadeva of the Vedanta.
The most blessed event is being allowed to end the day by dressing Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari in their nightdress of the same name and helping them into their beds decorated with aromatic flowers where they can drink saffron banana khir all night long.



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