Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In days gone by when magic was all around the queen dressed up in an orange sari and turned to say it was the ekadasi day
a new broach upon her chest matching the one on Giridhari's as the son of Saci began to dance.
Once a month three days before the dark moon with colors of the rainbow everywhere reflected by the stardust in her hair
leis of petals and full roses genteelly following their movements as they sashay
Sri vrksa jaya vrksa jaya jaya vrksa as i pass the ratha-bhojana-vrksa the gecko meets me and we cross the bridge over the first highway make the left at the hospital curve over the Saint Dagwood river to the tennis park and between the lakes. The opal cliff slings us past the soccer pitch where the women's team is practicing. The toad road lets us glide to the harbor where the boats are out. The natasala is announcing that it will be back in 10. The gecko takes his leave to look after his shop and i take to ms Gault to avoid the triangle. The hospital parking lot extends my view to the florist. Back to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa gets the respect from me and has the kalarupa sneak me into the sandhya.
as the night ends Vamsi dasa babaji enters marakata mani puri riding on a horse of different color talking like a pirate


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