August 17
With the lion riding the jotish cakra to the moment of birth you know a great personality is going to appear.
He'll bring devotion as it's not been seen
and his divine love will steer the stars
This outfit was offered on Gaura Purnima
No need for speculation, so clear are his explanations
purifying all offenders freely giving causeless mercy preme sankirtana will bring the mind's true liberation
petals and roses for the leis today. Light enough to dance and not break the devotee's trance
from the door of the asrama to the southland and around to Mahamuni's post box. The florist has gone home so the gecko and i go on to the opal cliff. The hook of the point has a team of roadies on their pace line. We try to keep up for some time but they go on past the tennis park while we turn for the harbor. The Cruiser King has his reviewing stand out late tonight. Through the triangle and past the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot. We pedal along the redone road and between the lakes the bon fires are light and getting higher. At the windmill the gecko takes leave and i go on to the wharf road. The sun is fading fast as i bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. The kalarupa pulls me back in short order.
in the ninth guru maharaja comes out from the dugout and engages in his work of delivering the condition souls under the banner of Mahaprabhu.
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