Why don't the Deities have a dress that is orange, yellow and red?
The seamstress and I could dig what the young one said
When it was offered it caused such a sensation
Out of the mouths of babes we came this Gaura Purnima creation
With roses and gardenia on the leis a beautiful fragrance spread through the mandir today
As the gecko and I pedaled by the rath-bhonama-vrksa must have been at least one hundred thousand raindrops falling all around us but we were able to pedal between them and not be touched by one I'm not certain the cruisers knew how we were able to remain as if in the sunshine
The usual run through the point of the hook and on to the corner and the gecko gets off and i have to hammer to the peddler's ramp. The bear says 'hey' and i go on to the wharf road. There a team is going by and i try to keep up at the end. i make it to the long and winding before i fall out of formation. On to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where i fold my palms. The kalarupa is there to pull me back to the sandhya. the ceremony is waiting for me to begin.
Well East Bengal where the ganges doesn't flow. There we see Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvik-Girirdhari engaged in all their night pastimes until the morning.
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