Monday, December 08, 2008

Deity clothes made to custom fit
Mukuts and effulgence make it complete
but money talks without it you walk
and the tailor doesn’t care how pretty you talk
I know all the pujaris and how they stake their claim
As well as all of guru-gauranga gandharvika-giridhari’s
Outfits names
They’re offered leis of old sumanas flowers roses too short
And not too big around
Pedaling along the back forty a couple of deer are watching and not sure what to do when they see this boy on a small horse with round legs approaching so I go by quietly. Then spinning to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and folding my palms there in memory of SGM’s words. The gecko awaits in the southland. We increase to a sprint to the snob hill. Descending to the village where the tourists turn to see this pair of peddlers thundering through the town. We come to the opal cliff and salute the sufferers for their determination. The natasala is hosting a performance of music and the people are lined up around the corner to get in. The gecko stops at his shop and I spin on to the reviewing stand. From there the peddler’s ramp takes me to meet the bear. At the wharf road I see a peddler with decorations all over his helmet and a skull mask over his face. Then I come to the long and winding and the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where I bow my head the kalarupa holds up his watch that shows I’ve no time to smell the flowers.
It’s come to the ninth and the fire in the mandir keeps Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari so warm that they don’t need their chodders so they happily engage in their night pastimes.


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