Saturday, July 26, 2008

Frolicking in Vraja’s pasture green
The cowherd boy’s cows lowing giggling and laughing
This association so rare
Let me take your company any way I can
When can we go to Vraja;s green pasture with the cows and cowboys my life long fancy, my age old dream to walk with you in Pasture media time
A windy three mile ride up to the north where Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari have leis of delicate full roses turned to face the world and their fragrance sweet enough to turn milk to cream when can I see this happy dream? To see you in pasture media time
Pedal it as if you stole it! The gecko tells me as I respect the rath-bhojana-vrksa. We sprint to the main road and cross the bridge over the first highway. Taking the curve over Saint Dagwood’s river and speeding to the tennis park. A party is going on there perhaps someone’s birthday. Then onto the redone road and to see the dark natasala laughing while we pass his shop and take the corner to the school. The Cruiser King sits in his reviewing stand and gives us the thumb up while we pass a tourist loaded with gear. The triangle has caught us today but it lets us go easily enough. At the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot I have to take my leave for the hour is getting late. Between the lakes there a still a few sailboats left out on the bay and some sufferers readying a bon fire. The soccer pitch is empty as I pass and turn to the wharf road. I pedal hard along the main road and reach the long and winding one in seconds flat. I fold my palms to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa becomes my partner and we pedal into the asrama in the nick of time
And what better way to end a busy day in the pasture? Hiranya kasipu! The soft bed with gold pajamas! That’s they way Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari end this and each Saturday. They dance all night and when they get tired they take rest in the soft bed.



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