Thursday, July 24, 2008

An angel came down from Nadia and Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari celebrated by wearing this dress that day.
He said follow me and not your mind and together we'll go to a land so fine.
The seamstress combine the yellow, green and just a pinch of black as a base in just the right amount for the waxing moon day number nine.
Sumanas leis again today well they're symmetrical and in the words of a resident of that plane, that's beauty.
Chasing the gecko and the racers from the respectable ratha-bhojana-vrksa to Seymour's museum east cliff, west cliff and down the home stretch along the opal cliff the suferers are circling the white caps with the gulls and pelicans coming down.
Cruisers of various shades are flying by. Then there are family and friends in "pace lines" that we dart in and out of keeping watch that the beasts don't plow into us as we place faith in blind corners to go around. At the main road i have to leave the gecko to perfom for the sandhya and offer more respect to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. As i make my approach three deer are grazing in the grass, what a gas, but they hear me coming and they go dancing away.
Giridhari's most favorite devotees offered him a feast once upon a and then took remnants to Durvasa Muni. To cross the river Yamuna Krsna told them to say "Krsna is a brahmacari" and to re-cross Durvasa Muni had them say "Durvasa Muni didn't eat anything." The source of this story appeared on the day this night dress was offered. This evening even though they called me in late to dress them they still took rest at a normal hour. amazing.



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