Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The devotees all have come for darsana of Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari in their asrama’s temple They’re dressed in traditional colors mango, yellow and blue
Appearing here most mercifully on the call of Sri Guru
Extending their own abode right here to give everyone a view
of they taste of their service giving us all a clue.
“Wow those are big leis!” I exclaim, “But they’re fluffy, not stuffy” the maker replies. “I picked the flowers from my own yard and on the other side of the tracks.”
From the ratha-bhojana-vrksa to the southland the gecko and I are sprinting even at the start. We pass the animal hospital and then cross the bridge over the first highway. Saint Dagwood's creek is our next sight where a bmxer is pedaling with someone standing on the pegs from his rear wheel. The tennis park is empty today. On the redone road a man and his wife are on a pedaling tour loaded with panniers and map racks. They are friendly enough and smile as we pass asking how we been. We cross the river for the second time. Around to the leaping monque and the trader's where we take the right. Up uap and away to the corner where the school is preparing for another semester. The gecko has to take leave at his shop to close down. i go through the triangle and pass the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot. The harbor has some boats in today in the breeze. The sufferers are paddling out with care. The windmill blows me to the hook of the point and on to the opal cliff. The wharf road leads on to the main one and then the long and winding. Respect to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the sandhya teases me choosee choosee as he sees me drinking from my water bottle.
Pralhad a dad this evening. They are quick to dress and jump into their beds. But we all know that means they'll only stay there for the shortest of time before getting back out to engage in their pastimes.



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