Friday, June 20, 2008

On this summer day and oh is it hot?
Should Giridhari wear his velvet coat? I think maybe not
Mahaprabhu wears lots of bracelets just for fun
Gandharvika has her veil pushed back and her hair’s in a bun
Rose leis “they’re a little wilted but they’ll spring back in the fridge” the maker told me. Then she whispered, “I used some sumanas flowers too. Oh with every one is saw your nose do that” she finished. Mahaprabu’s comes to his toes; Giridhari’s twists around his knee and Gandharvika’s forms a heart. “They look so beautiful,” one of the young devotees told me. “Look closely for you… may…never…see…them dressed…in this outfit…like this…again”
The heat almost finished me today as I bowed my head to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. The main road and the southland the water in my bottle got so hot it could have made tea. But with water bottle in one hand and handlebar in the other I pedaled along in the heat and smiling I keeled over. As I passed the soccer pitch one of the sufferers on their beast carrier stopped at the sign and asked “ It’s a hot one mister tiger, have you got enough water? Oh you’ve got your camelback.” “Yeah” I replied “I’ve got a camelback, a flower and some power” From there the wharf road took me to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa one more time and I folded my palms with all the strength I could muster and slunk back for the vaikalika service. Some times I wonder, other times I’m sure.
One of the young hairdressers was speaking with the hairdresser-in-chief saying “you can tell that Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari have taken off deep within the far off jungle tonight to enjoy dancing in the cool of the shade of the trees because you can see bobby pins here and there” “Yes” she said, “They really enjoy to the fullest extent don’t they?”



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