Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crystals in mukuts today shinning before the devotee’s eyes
Breaking light in colors that no one knows the names of and to be seen only with eyes they’ve not used yet
That top most magician, Giridhari, head crowned with white satin turban framed by gold jari
Offered on guru puja day, this combination was chosen by he who’s birthday Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari celebrated by wearing it. Jaya Gurudeva
Rose leis of variegated hues grace their forms, Giridhari’s to his knees while Gandharvika’s drapes in a heart. Mahaprabhu’s bounces on his dancing body shedding petals with his every step.
Time personified is holding his pocket watch and pointing at it as I bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and pedal faster to the main road. At the whaler’s the gecko joins in and we take off even faster into the town and past Saint Dagwood’s park. The railroad bridge slows us a bit but as we make the right our speed increases once again. We’re leaving students on their cruisers and hybrids behind on the way to Bhakta Blade’s kutir. Today there are many beasts out front. But no one seems to be around so we turn back. We circle the spinner’s church and go on to the marine museum. A lone roadie gives chase but we aren’t being caught today. Take the left around the bhavanless garden. Back out to see what Della might wear. Into the woods where the monarch butterflies congregate. It’s the wrong time of year to see the cloud of butterflies so thick they seem to become part of the trees. Next the mountain men are twirling and stopping on a dime. One turns on his back wheel. We take off to the leaping monque. At the shop the gecko takes his leave. The house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot is closed so people are disappointed. The harbor is full since the fog and smoke from the fires have clouded the skies. The wharf road takes me to the long and winding. I bow once again to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. The sandhya and time personified are waiting when I come up the driveway. Sandhya shakes my hand while time looks at his watch in disbelief.
The yellow and gold nightdress from this year’s Nrsimhacaturdasi is to be worn in their soft bed. On the tiny paws of a feline fog has crept in and stayed around for the night even though Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari are eager to dance, get out and dance.



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