Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Brahmacaris wear their dhotis one way and sanyasis another
But the way this tailor made them isn't worn by anyone at all
Won't you please fix them, O seamstress, put them in the right place.
When Mahaprabhu needs a sash to cover the extra hem
And Gandharvika needs new cloth to make pleats in her sari
To put them right I hope the seamstree will know
On Nrsimhacaturdasi the devotees will come to see their faces
When Wednesday comes around and Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari are dressed you know they'll have sumanas leis
Yet today Vayhu is influencing all who pedal. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa is as respected as always and I go on to the main road. At the high school field the aluminum bats are clanking once again. Left to the tennis park and then between the lakes a team of tandems is coming up toward the public radio. At the sunny cove cruisers are down on the beach firing up some bon fires. A pair of mountain people pedal past the east side church and I sprint around them and between the joggers. Back to the road of the honky-tonks and bars to the opal cliff where the sufferers go to change back into people and the toffee nose waits anxiously with his green pen to scribble 'fragment' all over this sentence. The soccer pitch is on the left today and I bear down to the main road and the long and winding respecting the tree and breaking into a sprint to escape being rung up by the sandhya service.
Near teal green and silver make the 'O deer doe' nightdress that they are wearing tonight. They dress quickly and jump on into their beds of aromatic flowers.



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