Friday, March 30, 2007

T.rock. This one was made by a different seamstress, the only one left like that. Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika are simply elegant while Giridhari has a long skirt that flows high in the breeze and a wide chodder that floats along after it. Today's garlands are made from donated flowers that have wilted by the end of the day. That swirling, dancing that you feel.
Out among the pedalers today the sun shone and the teams trained. Us pedalers out just for the fun of the pursuit past the post office and up and down the snob hill around the wharf and back again to the sandhya.
Tell me lies since this dress started as a Gaura Purnima offering with some other things offered that day that only made it for that day but if the givers of the gifts found out they'd be so disappointed that they'd have to be told lies and how long could i go on cheating them? Mahaprabhu said bring them to me and I'll show you how many things I can accept and use repeatedly.


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mayur, the dress made with real peacock feathers today. Bhakta Blade dressed Mahaprabhu and Giridhari today. hmmmm. "Mahaprabhu's kirta has so many pieces to it" This bundi is the usual design of bundis but this is the only one Mahaprabhu wears so it took Bhakta Blade by surprise.
The pedaling continues on the road and the sunny day. the opal cliff to the twin lake and the geese trumpet. Up the hill and over the bridge at the harbor to the theater and around the shopper's corner by the organic street food, they use organic because they love your body(haha) then to back through the sunny cove, the east cliff and up the long and winding road that leads to the asrama door.
It's a miracle mom that this dress was done the day after janmastami. Then in the chill of the night they went out to play.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Different colors everywhere, every color in the rainbow. Makes it good for an ekadasi dress since all the colors of the week are there. Quite a day, they were dressed and had their bath with enough time to spare for me to make the small deities garlands, clean the bath tray and pick the noon arati flowers with time to set the noon plate.
Sickness will surely take the mind where minds can't possibly pedal. Today it was over the Gauranga setu in Navadvipa. Only this time, unlike the days there, there were no ricksaws, water buffalo, flat bed ricksaws loaded with bricks, straw and odd pieces of metal known only to a dham vasi. Nor were there people walking either by themselves or in groups. They weren't carrying baskets on their heads or on poles balanced over their shoulders. The pavement wasn't lumpy or uneven with unplanned speed bumps. No gundas collecting tolls.
This evening the lotus nails is the night dress. "I can't put Gandharvika's sari on her" Bhakta Blade told me. i suppose not every boy knows how a sari is put on. Nonetheless the service was completed and they go on enjoying like anything.


Radha's own. Today is Ramanavami so all the Deities were offered new earings. Gandharvika and Giridhari also got pendants. The royal blue is a shade that Gurudeva has told us is the shade that Radharani chooses for herself. Interestingly he said he would select a different color for her. The mango color is tradional for Mahaprabhu as is the yellow of Giridhari. He had his older silver flute today, the one that someone translated as "dried fruit" from a phone call in India when it was being purchased for him. "Be sure and bring the deities' dried fruit and sweets that will last a year" was the way the message was heard.
Today the wind cried "Pedal". But it blew me into the barn again for another session of going as fast as i could to nowhere. Still i was thinking i was free as bird flying overhead.
The lions club. One of only two night dresses that have jewelry. This one is thick and velvet like to make it warm enough for night of playing outside even here in the chilly windy night of spring.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Krsna's amazing chodder. This one made the seamstress pleased cause she did Giridhari's belt, the front pleat of his dhoti and chodder with jari. Gandharvika's belt is a little too big but it works. Mahaprabhu is the ever simple one. This sari for Gandharvika is one of the first to be made with the veil attached to the skirt.
They call it stormy Monday and the weather folks say Tuesday will be just as bad. So today i could simply make some nowhere plans for anybody. i watch the raindrops fall outside the door and see the cars on their way to a ride i'm going to miss.
The baby blue dress tonight. Kind of sums up the mood of the day with the rain and the cold. In the meantime Guru-Gauranga, Gandharvika Giridhari go on enjoying like anything


Sunday, March 25, 2007

What value is a silk turban if not bowed down before the Lord? That's what the ancients ask. Here the silk turban is on the head of the Lord himself. Today was a photo finish, one of the newest folks to put in for learning lent a hand at the end of the dressing. Since i'm altitudenally challenged he hung the effulgences and such. The only skirt Gandharvika has that uses rings to fasten it rather than ties or velcro.
A late surge of pedaling today. Sunday evenings are always quiet. Giridhari wears a jewel hanging from his nose, i figured that was something most Indian children do, but today i passed a second hand clothes store and saw a man with a padlock type nose jewel. "That must hurt" i thought. With more sun today there were more sufferers. Yesterday those sufferers had turned to bonfire makers. Round the sunny cove i came upon a bike shop whose sign said it was closed but whose service garage door was open and sounds of wrenches working away came forth.
In the ninth this evening they took a long look at the dress and decided they would accept it. Then they went on to take rest and whatever else comes in the night time hours.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

"The dresses get better with age" The garland maker told me today. "It was offered about three years ago and it looks better today than it did then". The rich beige, gold color with the orange and green shapes in the pattern. The veil and chodders are sheer enough that that easily float in the breeze created by their dancing.
People out pedaling two by two. i came up upon a couple on crusiers. We were climbing a small hill. They struggled mightily and when i went by them with such ease, the man looked to his significant other and said "Woha" That was on the east cliff beach. i had come from the road that goes past the theater where China blue is playing tonight. Another couple in team outfits pedaled by raising their fists in the air to show unity.
The most blessed event. They stayed up a little late tonight. Must be the spring in the air that keeps their thoughts turning to the rasa dance.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Saint Patrick's easter may come fashionably late but it always goes on quick. One of the fastest they have to get dressed in. What makes it so? Well i just don't know. The mukuts make a statement all their own. Mahaprabhu's has three lotus flowers, Giridhari's has a big lotus on Mahaprabhu's side and a mango on Gandharvika's. While Gandharvika's has lotuses flanking a mango. "These chiffon veils are the best" the seamstress said while being seen. "It's great the way the colors all work out to blend with the mukuts." i added. "Well I colored the flowers in the veil so they would match the yellow cloth and as close to the mukut as I could." She added. Still all the colors and patterns come together so perfectly it shows that Krsna is pulling the strings.
Pedaling through the parking lot of gupta seven eleven, to both our surprises i came upon the Kernel of Divine Love so i saluted and went on my way. Over the bridge over a crowed highway on ahead to the bridge over a for now shallow creek. Laughing as i was passing by the shops, businesses, homes and parks. From there to the east cliff through the portion where the shopper's come to the corner around the bend and do it all again. Back to the vaikalika where the Kernel asked "I didn't know you hung out there, I thought I was the only one." "While the main road was under repair i began that and i haven't changed back since the completion"
The evening saw the Deities in "tell me lies". Gandharvika's effulgence slipped and had to be restrung. This dress went on quick too, but that may be since the day clothes came off fast the night dress was a quick one too. All the more time for them to dance the night away.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Why is this dress called "the oldest of all but in a new dress"?Bhaka Blade, the saphire asks. "It's cause Mahaprabhu has a peacock from a back drop that i used to put behind the Deities on thirteenth street." is the simple answer. Also it was a Gaura Purnima offering and in Prabhupada's poem he says the oldest of all but in a new dress, a healthful life as Caitanya wrought. The front piece, patka, was missing today since the seamstress used it as a pattern for this year's Gaura Purnima outfit.
Around to the market to get hair supplies today. It was a quiet a search, but i was able to find everything and still swing by the twin lakes, Sunny Cove and east cliff road. When i got back the seamstress was there and engaged in a stately dance chanting hip hip hoorah
i saw Vraja kissing Santa Claus tonight. Just warm enough not to use chodders on them. They took a little extra nap today so they wanted to stay up a little later tonight.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"This skirt is heavy" Bhakta Blade told me this evening while we dressed them. "Isn't it because of all the crystal beads on the edge?"i asked. Giridhari's chodder is long and floppy soft. It drapes over his left arm and still has enough to float up with the skirt around Gandharvika's wrist. After the beginning when all the outfits had some pink and green in them the colors were gone for a while then in this dress, offered at Guru maharaja's appearance time, the surfaced again.
Today there were tandems in force. Several husband and wife teams were heading along the main street toward the college. Then there were pedalers who are part of racing teams out to compete at the highest level. As i went between the two lakes there were fifteen or twenty sail boats on the water. It seemed like it must be some kind of show but i didn't hear anything or see any signs of what was going on. i meandered to the post office to get the swami's mail and then i turned my face back to the asrama for evening service beating the night again.
"Oh deer doe , have you seen Krsna?" The light green and silver dress this evening. "By my mad skills I got you to not only lift Giridhari's coat, but also the kick pleat. Man, I'm good" Bhakta Blade giggled.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Amyavasya and Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari celebrate with the Madhuvrata dress. The honey bees on Gandharvika's skirt and veil lend their name to this yellow and black outfit. Black onyx necklaces bought by someone as a holiday gift along with yellow, brown and black made by one of the folks are the jewelry for today. Petal and daisy garlands today done by one of the young people just returned from Navadvipa.
Rain, rain went away just after their afternoon nap today. Out came the sun and dried up all the raindrops so i went out to pedal again. Following along behind a young guy who was dressed in ordinary clothes and cleated shoes, but he could out pedal a lot of the team members pedaling by the bike trip to the shopper's corner and the A.F.edumacation place. The teamsters fly by in their bright colors, American flags, logos and advertising are quick flashing between the twin lakes, i follow them as closely as possible on to the east cliff past the post office up the hill, beating the night, leaving me in the light hooray!
With the fog and rain the chill has returned to the night air so chodders are back in vogue. This evening the deep orange Russian angora wool keep their body heat in and allow them to engage in their pastimes in warmth and happiness.


Monday, March 19, 2007

sikhipicca camara the second peacock feather dress. This one has the peacock feathers embroidered on. The first one was much more labor intensive, with several of the folks beading the feathers. All three have belts to match. The crowns were also made for this dress by the seamstress. She cut them out of the cloth and put some backing to make them stiff enough to stand and then Giridhari's has real peacock feathers along the top. The small Deities also have crowns cut from the same cloth.
While pedaling back to the sunset service this evening a pedaler behind me called out "Look out!" It was because a car driver was coming along so close that he thought that i might get hit. Then he was on his mobile phone to the police or someone reporting the incident. In the beginning it was all clear. Drifting down by the beach along the sunny cove through the harbor on to the railroad bridge over the river to the boardwalk and the national historically registered roller coaster. Along the trail next to the river and then past the pedalar's shop and then back to the asrama for the sunset service.
They call east bengal the radhadesa, call it baby blue. Gold crowns and belts trim this one. Giridhari's coat is long and thick but it still flies as he swirls along the altar. Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika have smaller chodders and veil but it makes a good contrast to Giridhari's dancing.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Did anyone notice "she'll be there with bells on" is green with purple like last Sunday's dress? No one told me if they did. To be fair last week's had different shades of each color and it's a silver trimmed outfit while today's is gold. "She'll be there with bells on" also has heavier fabric. Last week's featured chiffon, more light and wispy. The garlands today are made with big buds and daisy pompoms. And even though you can't see them in this picture the bells are on the last couple of ruffles of Gandharvika's skirt
The teams were out training today. Otherwise i was pedaling on a Sunday afternoon. Couldn't get away too soon. Through the parking lots of the seven eleven and the hopsital attacking on the hill over the freeway. Aerotuck down the hill by the harborhigh football field. Wrapping by the public radio passing pedalers in costume for the holiday, some with green top hats others with green helmets with red horns and one in a green waistcoat with tails flying in the breeze. In any fair system they'd flourish and fly for they're all much faster than i. Around the shopper's corner one more time through the celebrated new bike lane around the harbor attacking another hill beside the twin lakes and on to the long way home.
Chinese silk, smooth as milk. Offered on Nrsinghacaturdasi, it's got that touch that kills. The fog didn't creep in on it's little cat feet this evening still there is a chill in the air that promises to bring rain in a couple of days. They go out to dance in love divine.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

This dress calls me back from anywhere i've roamed across this universe. The chinese silk, smooth as milk, with turban for Giridhari and ti eras for Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika. Today Mahaprabhu's garland extended to his toes Girihdari's was fragile and shedding. Gandharvika's is full of star gazers. A festival for everyone's eyes.
Around the corner from the west cliff then back to the wharf, through the village where there are echos from the woods that carry me to the sandhya and vaikalika time frames.
The most blessed event, this evening. The fog brings a chill to the night air, a relief from the warmth of the day. The swirling dancing feel from the night of the naga raja.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Syama,Nila,Aruna LIVE at the arena of pure consciousness. That's today's dress black, blue and pink/purple. These colors are really great. The pleats in Giridhari's jacket could be smaller by a couple of inches. That's what the seamstress and i agreed on today. "He looks so big" She added. They were going to wear this one on Sunday but because of Ekadasi it fit better to put it on today, Friday, and switch Thursday's dress to Sunday. Tulasi's skirt with this dress was originally going to be Gandharvika's skirt. It didn't fill the bill though and so the seamstress made a different one for her and gave that one to Tulasi devi. My mother is a tailor she sews for the Deities. Certainly special service.
In and out of the fog, pedalers fly by while you stand there. Bright sunshine till i came down to the wharf where the fog began to roll in all along the cliffs and beach road it was there cold and damp. i went on to the bakery and down by the theater the fog hadn't come up that far. Around the usual bike shop and school and back by the beach where the fog returned. i raced it all the way back to the asrama. There the seamstress was taking a picture of the day's dress.
This evening the tell me lies dress was the theme. It fits since while i was making the schedule where i use the names of the dress and the seamstress' hair curls and uncurls when she hears the name and it's explanation. They stay up a bit tonight

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The first ekadasi of the month and that means "don't tug on Superman's cape" The first multicolored outfit which makes it easy to put it on any day. Bhakta Blade chose the jewelry for Mahaprabhu today, a bit different but well done. Don't eat grains today and don't mess with Switzerland.
To the swami's post and through the village up next to the wharf along the cliffs around the basketball court the pedaling was faster than a speeding ticket today. As i rounded the the shopper's corner and headed down the home stretch some one on the pavement called out and a pedaler following close behind said "he's talking to you..." when i didn't answer he said "or whoever..." i just pedaled on to the sunset service since i didn't know either of them and didn't have time to talk any way.
Green and purple, a lion on the chase. Another nrsinghacaturdasi dress that is night one since Nrsinghadev a appeared in the twilight time some years he gets a night dress offered to him and this one is no exception. Another night when it'll be warm enough to dance under the moon light


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The hares don't know what day it is, they don't know when the purnima was or when ekadasi comes. The clothes schedule gets to change without notice. So today yellow and blue combine as green. A Gaura Purnima dress from years ago it seems only proper that in this time of the year that the calendar has lost it's way that this dress comes to the rescue.
Pedaling today i was stopped by the city of New Orleans. Union Pacific, Thursday afternoon's run. i was approaching the opal cliff stretch and the cross buck came down to stop us for the train to pull out of Santa Cruz rolling past health food stores, parks and gyms. When the cross bucks rose i pedaled on at full speed down to the shopping corner around the school yard where the young boys played. i rounded the park one more time and turned my handlebar back to the asrama and the sandhya.
Bhakta Blade put the orange and green dress with the thread that looks orange from one angle and green from the other. Gandharvika's sari was bunched a little and he left it to me to clean up small details cause Bhakta Blade had to fly.


The crowns from Gaura Purnima to go with the Nila dress toay. "i take it you noticed the extra pieces in Giridhari's crown today?" i asked Bhakta Blade. "Yes, since I haven't seen these crowns they must be the ones from Gaura Purnima." The yellow, blue and green leaves fit well with this dress as well as the Sumanas child one from Gaura Purnima. The garlands are shedding today.
Pedalers out in lots of pairs today. i was one of the few loners down by the wharf passing through the west cliff. As i passed the "trip" i saw a threesum on crusiers. Mopeders who couldn't decide if they were going to be in the pedaler's lane or challenge the traffic going down the hospital hill. Rounding the bend where a sufferer shop is there were a pair of pedalers with suffering boards on their backs. Clad in wetsuits they pedaled barefoot to the beach. Looping around the second wharf, passing the ugly mug, i head back to put the Deities in their night dress
Ah yes, the lotus nails, orange and smoky silver. Gandharvika's panel skirt, y'all know it well. This evening there's a fog accross the way and our friends won't come until next day. In the meantime Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari enjoy their pastimes with grace and happiness


Monday, March 12, 2007

Mahaprabhu kept me guessing if he were wearing the right dhoti also his hair was set more like Giridhari's. The name rings true, You can't have it your way" creamy white with red and teal. Gandharvika has a red skirt and choli under the veil that matches Mahaprabhu and Giridhari's outfit. Petal garlands again today more like the usual ones for a Monday. Gandharvika's earrings are old ones made for an outfit that has been retired about three years but they go well with this dress.
Not so many family pedalers today. The commuters, students and trainers were the field today. The daylight savings time allowed all of us to put our lights away for awhile. The west cliff today along by the natural bridge where the sea gulls fly. Then along the trail to see the sea lions perched on their rock. Then i circumambulated the spinner's church and set my sights on getting back to the sunset service.
They call it baby blue. The nights are even warm now so the Deities are anxious to get out and dance under the moonlight. What a marvelous night.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Is it tomorrow? or just the end of time? This green outfit with the purple and silver trim is light, airy, with a firm chodder for Giridhari. Gandharvika's skirt is purposely short with silver circles on the underskirt that extends below. It's a little stiffer than the external skirt to keep it puffed out. Along with the backdrop it's exactly chiffon and beautiful.
All along the lighthouse tower the sufferers keep the view while all the families pedal along with their children in tow. One father's shirt said "All seeing, all knowing, all spending, The Amazing Dad and his magic money" A wide variety of costumes on the pedalers today some in baby doll fashions, others wanna be le tour competitors. Helmets with head lights, some with stocking caps others in baseball headgear and some let their fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees. The days are getting longer and the outsiders are back in town.
There they are "in the ninth" waiting to go off to perform their pastimes with great happieness. The clear night sees no need for chodders or heat just the joy of Gokula and the night time meetings.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

Light and airy, the watercolor silk has a spring look to it. The lotus flowers are low and they overflow with guru's mercy. The Bengali Mahal Jadhu. Blue for Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika while Giridhari wears yellow. Giridhari's pants look like ganta bottoms today, have ganta will travel.
The sufferers were out in force today, the days are warm and the sun is bright along the wharf, the cliffs and the cove. As the pedalers are also out on the "peletons" some are in full dress while others are in regular clothes. Every one smiles as they pedal past the beaches shining in the noon day sun and on to the sandhya, a quiet evening as the time prepares to fly.
The most blessed event will see in the spring ahead act this evening. The cool clear night once again will provide the backdrop for any late dancing activities.


Friday, March 09, 2007

"This looks like a party dress, so oppulent!" One of the folks was impressed like that when they saw the Shut up kid dress today. Now since one person said that it gets me to say so but if two people said that folks might think that this is one of the more outstanding outfits. If three people said it they might think they all were from the same country and prone to hyperbole. But if all the devotees said that then you'd think it had went straight up to number one. Mahaprabhu has mostly pink a little green on the boarder of his chodder along with some purple. Giridhari has a purple jacket, pink dhoti and chodder that also have some green in the boarders. Gandharvika's sari is also mostly pink with some purple in the boarder. Instead of a backdrop each Deity has a big effulgence, Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika's are pink while Giridhari's is purple with the same design as on his jacket.
The days are getting warm and it might not be long until the spring is back in town. i was climbing to the top of snob hill and a license plate caught my eye it said jchimself. That driver must get lots of looks, shouts, and waves. Think of what other drivers might do to draw the attention of such a driver. i pedaled on around the opal cliff, the wharf and the boardwalk struck with wonder of what great fortune i had today until i turned into the driveway of the asrama for the sandhya.
Well that driver might have been telling me lies. You know, the kind he couldn't disguise or maybe his initals just happen to be jc. hmmm. Otherwise it's a clear night with the constellations ready to form an over hanging fermament in case there are some transcendental dancers out this evening.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

If you're going to the Seva Asrama Math, make sure that the arati is starting on time. And as you take darsana of the Deities there you know they'll be wear parsely, sage, rosemary and thyme, it's deep forest green trimed in black with silvery pleats in Gandharvika's skirt and in Mahaprabhu's belt, Giridhari's chodder and his dancing skirt too. Roses and carnations make the garlands today. Bhakta Blade asks "Who's next in line?" "You mean besides you?" i answer his question with another question. "Yes" he says. "Well it's not going to be the tretorious dog. i don't think the bunny is going to return from Bharat to take up the post. The flying V hasn't been seen behind the curtain in a year of Sundays. How long since the North Star shined down upon us?" "Well you've got to keep it up for fifteen years more so I can have time to slide out" hmmm.
Tires pumped on my bicycle, the nights chill like an icecicle, the fog comes creeping up to pedal alonside me. The usual afternoon/evening run from the asrama to the park. A light and tumble pedal to the sea. Even though the nights are getting longer the past couple of evenings have had to be completed under the light. hmmm.
It's a miracle mom, that the dress tonight. Gold and lavender for Giridhari, a pinkpurple for Gandharvika with gold sequins while Mahaprabhu's purple is heavily influenced by a navy shade of blue. The pipali have taken shelter of the daffodils that have made their anual appearance on the altar. A few days of yellow and then to rest for the year.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Now you can see the white knight is talking backwards. "The orange with silver sequins look so good" the seamstress said today when she came to see the Deities today. Today's garlands are of all carnations. Giridhari's has narcisuss in the center but the other two are simply carnations. Though this is a made in India dress, it took almost a complete make over. The dhotis were backward, Gandharvika's skirt needed to have the pleats added in order to make it fit. The kirtas also had a couple of things wrong with them. Mahaprabhu's needed some added on the bottom so he wears the sash to cover the seam. But in the end the outfit looks like there was never a problem with it.
As pedaled by the theater this evening i saw the marquee anounceing a gay, or by the name i figured they must be gay, comedy act would be appearing on Saturday. Then i pedaled down by the sunny cove where the hotel sign said "peace" . Further along the road there was a bike shop with a windmill in it's sign, advertising free air and oil. They also have a coffee bar that opens at five thirty in the a.m. for any comming to mangala arati that need a little boost to make it up the path to the asrama.
O deer doe, have you seen Krsna? This evening's dress is one of the only silver night outfits. All the Deities, both big and small, have necklaces. This was a Radhastami dress of a couple of years ago. Bhakta Blade nearly wraped Giridhari's chodder around his arm in a barber pole fashion. But when i asked him about it he told me he'd never leave it that way. i don't believe he knew i'd have had him change it.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The red back drop was missing today but still the Urvasi dress looked wonderful. Following the baby blue night dress this one is almost the same shade. The red and silver trim along with a red background make it want to get up and scream. For being made from scraps, the garlands weren't bad. Mostly leaves and petals of wilting carnations they somehow or other worked.
Though i pedaled like Lance i was just out on parole, all the way to and from the asrama. Around the wharf then on past the sheer cliffs where a new fence has been put up to keep people from falling. Next making the turn by sunny cove greeting the geese between the lakes looping around through the park and hammering back to the asrama for the sandhya.
Pralad-a-dad this evening. The orange pannel skirt of Gandharvika half the pannels are that grey, smoky color that is in Giridhari's vest and sash. Mahaprabhu's is a plain orange with gold boarders on his chodder and sash. The gathering clouds mean they'd best take an umberella is they go out dancing tonight.


Monday, March 05, 2007

"Have they got an outfit that's red, yellow and orange?" A young Mexican lady asked me once. Well they do now. Out of the mouths of babes. When another of the folks saw it and heard who suggested the color scheme he said, "I thought i noticed a Mexican touch" Most of the jewelry they wear with this dress was made for it specifically. It's smokey crystal and red beads in the necklaces and earrings. Also each Deity has a set of bangles of the same color stones.
Someone told me there would be rain today so i thought that the pedaling might take the indoor form once again. Somehow or other i was going along on the opal cliff and couldn't help but see that the rain that i'd been counting on had turned to sun. So when the last mile had be recorded and it was time for the arati conch to blow, you could see that i was clearly pleased at how the forcaster had been wrong.
They call East Bengal the Radhadesa, call it baby blue. This dress should have gold jewelry and accents but once while the second team was in they decided to use silver. hmmm. But then they changed to gold the next time the Deities wore it. It seems like dancing nights are here again.

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

The seamstress wanted to leave the outfit on them so i did. But today i did put the vests on Mahaprabhu and Giridhari. So today the cuffs and armbands were on display. Everything else was the same. i changed around the piecies to Giridhari's crown just a little too. Still i'm a whole new thing, i'm a lot of wild everyday of the week i'm society's freak, i'm a sumanas child. This name comes from the kesa parva. The place where i first heard the hare krsna mantra.
The festival made pedaling a bit sweeter again today. By the wharf road to the east cliff by the deity of the sufferer who's garland needs to be changed because of all the rain then wraping around the lighthouse heading back under the clock tower and the post office to the river trail to the long and winding road that leads to the Deities' door.
The party's over, it's time to call it a day. So this evening the Deities got out of their new clothes and went for the touch that kills. They must be happy to be in fresher clothes. They are ever-fresh still and all it's good to change each night 'cause variety is the spice of life.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Gaura Purnima today. It was a good festival. The new dress left everyone breathless. It was made around the crowns and hars that one of the folks brought back from India. They have yellow flowers with blue and green leaves and such. “The boys” have pants. The kirtas, cholis, skirt, veil, and pants are yellow. The boarders are the flower patterns of the crowns and effluences. Mahaprabhu and Giridhari are supposed to have vests. There are armbands to go around their upper arms and wrists of the same blue. Since it was so cold this week we decided to make kirtas and put those on instead. Then today, Gaura Purnima day, it was warm enough to dress them in vests but I still didn’t since the night is quite cold. The deep blue backdrop makes the yellow really stand out nicely, without that it wouldn’t have looked as good. Another one of the folks bought a glass vase in the same colors as the outfit as well as a touch of saffron it also looks wonderful. Two garlands today, the first set, the maker said "I dreamed that the garlands should have purple hyacinths and white narcisuss and so I bought those flowers and now look the small garlands are the same pattern! I just dreamed that, Wow"
Holiday pedaling is always fun 'cause it seems that everyone is out preparing for their own celebrations. As i pass by the shopper's corner everyone was getting their vegetables and potato starch for their ekadasi style feasts this evening. Then i streaked by the mall where everyone was buying presents for their Deities. At the beach the sufferers were joining in kirtan after they waves brought them in. Then it was back to the asrama for the Deities new dress and the festivities.
Since they only wore this dress for a little while the seamstress asked that they wear it tomorrow too so they go out in the evening in the same dress as they had for the celebration.


Friday, March 02, 2007

This outfit is from the 2006 appearance of Guru Maharaja who's autobiography begins "I was born at midnight" to that i added and when I found that Vrndavana was for shallow thinkers, I fell head over heals for Mahaprabhu. This is a pink and purple dress that is rich, full and colorful. Many shades of both pink and purple. The garlands today are excellent, narcisuss and roses. A near ganga-yamuna dress that is very elegant.
Pedaling is quite a joy today with the tune up complete. All around the town from the asrama to the shop via the new celebrated bike lane around the block the shop is on past the harbor between the twin lakes through the sunny cove the east cliff mixing with the sufferers on this day that warmed up well. The sounds of the pick up game at the park on my way back to wake the Deities. Back down just for the fun of it. Heading out to the west side waving to the man in the chair at the flower shop where the afganistani keeps his cocatails.
Tell me lies as usual on Saturday night. The decorators' union was still active long after the Deities were in bed tonight. They're all getting ready for the Mahaprabhu's appearance party tomorrow. The dieties may have a quiet night so they can party hearty tomorrow.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

yellow, olive and red, Diet Olive. Mahaprabhu doesn't have a chodder in this dress only a vest. That alone makes this a unique one. Giridhari's sleeves have large reverse pleats yellow on the outside with red as the inset. Gandharvika's skirt is done in the same manner. Giridhari has a belt that was made for another dress of a couple of years ago, but somehow didn't make it on to his waist 'till this one. Today's garlands are super excellent. Narcisuss with daisy pompoms. Each has a large center, and very symetrical. Symetry means beauty, Srila Prabhupada once said. Bhakta Blade was setting the breakfast plate when one piece of sandesh rolled off the table and headed to the floor but before it made it he caught it. "I can't be humble about that" he said "that was a great play"
Pedaling as i did today i came upon Roy G. Biv. He and i had a talk and then he dumped a couple of inches of rain right on me. Try as i might going by the wharf, along the sheer cliff, and pleading with the gulls, i just couldn't shake the rain. It stopped just before i got to the asrama road so i got back half way dry.
i saw Vraja kissing santa claus this evening. i know it's not that time of year but that's what they are wearing now. For many a long year they've worn this one and it still hasn't worn out. They'll dance the night away with the heater on without chodders, since i'm still too lazy to build a fire
