Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Guru Maharaja has told us what we must do
to leave this mundane plane
die to live
ah but in his humor spelling was rearranged
diet olive is what came
coincidentally this dress is olive with green and yellow
one of Guru Maharaja’s sutras it fits the mellow
surya puspas smile at all out from the leis
along with baby’s breath and gerbera today
quickly pedal so quickly darkness is on it’s way
to sunny cove to catch the last rays
pelicans point the way to harbor hark
is that not Saint Dagwood’s park
round the corner to the cruiser king
through the treacherous triangle don’t let the beasts cling
sprinting along there are bells to be rung
meeting kalarupa under the famous tree where leaves are strung
sandhya celebration waiting with curtain drawn
hoping murka won’t be too long
now with night in the offing
purple white and orange nightdress while incense is still wafting
from arati they dance all night
all mundane fear takes flight
as the kali yuga starts
playing his flute Gridhari
meditates on the temple of Srimati Gandharvika’s heart
from where Mahaprabhu came out
with rose baby’s breath and mums in the leis
showing everyone the way
back to home
pedaling through a break in the storm
all trying to stay warm
round the hook
where the sufferers take a look
at Murka and I gliding along
staying strong
the flashing light on Murk’s ride
has beasts shaking their heads side to side
sun going down
call comes round
meeting kalarupa at mrga bhavana
pedaling on
to sandhya celebration
it’s changed the whole nation
storming keeps the Thakuras under the roof
wearing deep within the far off jungle
white with red and olive stripes
dancing till mangal arati life of everyone’s life
gurudeva he’s raised us up
to know that he’ll always protect
as long as we are sincere
brought us to the feet of Mahaprabhu
or aspirations to fulfill
when we feel ourselves so fallen
we can do ourselves no good
take shelter of his associates
set our souls free engaged in sankirtan
when the full moon rises over Nadia
in the month of Phalguna
race down to the natha mandir
see the thakuras in this Nadia Sasadhara
gold and silver
with roses and fun flower leis
with two in Giridhari’s lei
show their faces to the folks
fragrance bursting out
invite us to the eternal serving mood
showing the way out
meanwhile Murka and I aren’t going to miss today
even though we’ll have to pedal between the drops of rain
there’s a guy with a poncho over there
who is on the way to who knows where
drops are really coming now
making even the heartiest bow
to the idea of taking it under cover
what else could you expect from a cycle lover
round for the vaikalika at the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s behest
greeted by wunderkind no less
now it’s the soft bed yellow and gold
that’s how this nightdress is told
when they enjoy like anything
waiting for the devotees to come to sing
as the mangal arati bells ring
is that haribol jal
or is it a drink from the madder plant family
will our gang get goofed on
if we don’t dress was well as the puckawalla
brown and rusty orange outfit
please come see the thakuras in it
leis of “Russian snow light flowers”
with roses made in a couple of hours
has the rain stopped or is it just a “sucker hole”
in the middle of the storm tempting Murka and I out to roll
the question is going around and around
let’s just go trust that if the drops come we won’t be found
look to the sky hear no sound
our minds throw out the doubt
so we pedal on out
beating our confusion
called by the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
to take the picture
the sandhya is nigh
now the synchronicity is the dress for the night
blue yellow and mango with red
our attachment grows as they get ready for bed
blue aruna violet orange gold and red
tell us it’s ekadasi
peacock mukuts and effulgence
make this tithi a classic
even though the thakuras have worn it many times before
the rose and button mum leis reveal more
new light each day
it’s the time of year when pedalers need be on guard
for the night comes fast and hard
this afternoon they dressed warm
to keep themselves from the “winter’s” charm
down where the opals are
hear the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa from far
there’s a cool cat in an old stovepipe hat
and Murka looks to me to ask what do you think of that
meeting kalarupa at the fence of the mrga bhavana
ahead another pedaler so the chase is on
coming in for the sandhya greeted by Kumara
now it’s not too far
baby blue is what they call this nightdress
as they call east Bengal the Radhadesa
a chilly night they’ll spend near the fire
at mangal arati raise our conscious a little higher
puspa mukuts puspa mukuts
come down on the poet’s head
blessing him with proper direction
thakuras dressed in blue and hot pink
with rose and star gazer leis
at Gaura Purnima when Mahaprabhu descended
with his beauty and his associates
a blue ribbon personality is sure to appear
pedaling down to the cyber thoroughfare
where Murka and I speak with the topmost of them
after good conversation Murka and I head on to cyber space
next it’s the sunny cove to the tennis park to see a service ace
melting away to the campa hatti blending with the pace line
over the first highway staying in form real fine
under the ratha-bhojana-vrksa kalarupa is waiting quietly for Murka
as the call goes out he’s prompt for the sandhya
prahlad-a-dad is this evening’s dress
ready for them to go out dancing
even t he demigods are super impressed
at the prema kirtan where we’ll all be blessed

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Five ten fifteen twenty thirty even more
seamstress put pieces in Srimati Gandharvika’s sari make our hearts soar
forty is the total now the work is complete
offered on Gaura Purnima
roses star gazers mums with a couple of sumanas flowers
combining in the leis
pedaling through the southland
through the lion’s park school kids playing in the sand
no skaters at the top of their hill
the village comes up fast
following the hook feel the air’s chill
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls and Murka heads home at last
at the mrga bhavana kalarupa awaits
greeted by an organ grinder and making the sandhya plate
talking like a pirate riding on a horse
of a different color right to the source
in Marakatamani Puri where all things are peaches and cream
putting the thakuras in bed
“pleasant dreams”
come in the natha mandir
see the Thakuras mukuts crystal clear
tell me this will take us home
this one also from Gaura Purnima
full moon holding a rabbit inside
this dress a festival for our eyes
the cape hung nicely wide
this one from Gaura Purnima
could save even the most cripple
with divine mercy’s ripple
this one the color of a cream sicle
that came on Gaura Purnima
arati comes with conch shell’s blast
full rose leis are made so fast
“the mischievous smile” the name is cast
two riders hop on bicycles
each with road triples
going even when daylight has become fickle
remembering this one that came from Garua Purnima
once they get to the hook
even the sufferers have to look
at the dress from Gaura Purnima
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls
meet kalarupa as the leaves fall
and for the night adbhuta simha dress
they’re ready for rest
enjoying like anything in a way that’s best

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

this morning the thakuras are dressed
in the feathers of the peacock
and wool chodders last night
so the cold wouldn’t interrupt their pastimes
under the starry light
now that November’s here
they still find the days warm enough for
sikhipicca camara, fan from the peacock’s tail
leis of roses a couple of orchids and funny flowers a little frail
still their smile brings the best of good will
pedaling through the fair wind Murka and I
hear the autumn song
traveling the cyber thoroughfare
speaking with friends walking in the sky
singing of the glories of the peacock feather’s eyes
crossing the land of the opals
to where the pelicans point
the call comes to meet the kalarupa
under the famous ratha-bhojana-vrksa
beasts eyes are shinning as they pass on either side
coming too close where the street isn’t very wide
at the kusa grass sloka slinger gives a wave
the sandhya is approaching now that daylight has been saved
dark blue and yellow
with flower boarder mellow
necklaces to remind of the lion that laughing fellow
dancing all night by the fire’s light
Bhakta Blade is on the scene to keep the embers bright
asking the question
what are the Thakuras wearing today
colors of the sunrise
with parrot mukuts in their hair
gurudeva is our savior
as he engages us in his service
making mum rose and marigold leis
seeing allows our consciousness to raise
pedaling along through the trees
with new flowers of autumn and fire wood smoke murka and I
relish the smells
as we chase down the pace line
up ahead
joining in becoming part of the thread
by the sunny cove then between the lakes
at the natasala we break
on the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
he goes back for the sandhya
dressing them in Prahlad-a-dad
with a fire keeping them warm
till morning comes once again
who would be a jnani, karmi
biksu or a cora
if he knew of sudha bhakti
or who would take the holy name from a “siddha pursa”
if he could take it from the sat guru
the Thakuras are wearing Gandharvika Nayana again
with full lovely full rose leis
pink with sequins, gold and just enough green
to remind that some say that’s the color of her eyes
pedaling through the village where the tourists are in view
over a bridge Murka and I pass the high school
going left the skaters are performing on their hill
laughing with their extreme tricks
they’re getting their daily kicks
but Murka and I are on a mission
to bring ingredients for parama anna
rounding the navapatra keeping the pitch on the right
ratha-bhojana-vrksa has called so Murka sets his sights
racing the setting sun
that seems to be falling faster as we play
chanting aloud under the first highway
meeting kalarupa at the renown mrga bhavana
he breaks into a sprint got to move along
crossing over the driveway gate
the bunnies and Vijaya await to help him on his way so he won’t be late
sandhya has come celebration is here
now the night dressing draws near
pale green and purple shades of evening
dancing under the stars dipping and weaving
all night long enjoying like anything
wear a turban hat like a great Maharaja
a turban hat and a kirta that extends to his knee
pick some roses turn them into petals for the leis
take a bright star and put it in a bangle
when they wear it remember Gaura Purnima
pedaling on this sunny afternoon
from Main Street to wharf road
peadlers stealing one
skaters laughing on their hill
everyone looking for a little thrill
quickly back to go to the other side of the mountain
where Gauranga Sundar appears in laughing lion dress
home again after an hour delay caused too much stress
it’s a lion on the chase the thakuras put on for their night’s rest`
purple stoles for the Easter season
near saint Patrick’s day
arati is late what’s the reason
Gaura Purnima was coming soon
this outfit made for that full moon
happy or even in misery
Mahaprabhu will set us free
rose leis with baby’s breath very pleasing
any other ideas of beauty fleeting
rain clouds over head
keep us pedalers under cover
hook won’t due drier paths instead
thousands of umbrellas hover
effort never ceasing
to take out the storm’s anatomy
that call comes like treason
to meet kalarupa under that famous tree
taking it home not to be late
sandhya here celebrate
wise man knows the lion will appear
like the phoenix
on the nightdress the thakuras wear
on this purnima night
on one November day
we talked of this outfit’s name
while one suggested they are pretty in pink
another said “that’s past your media time”
a few called it wedding cake
floating the idea is looks like frosting with a pink glow
made for vyasa puaja day
Guru Maharaja had quoted a stanza from another’s poem
of playing in the cow pasturing ground
frolicking with Krsna that’s where he wants to be found
with all these circling round
it became Pasture Media Time”
leis of daisies zinnias and a hint of mint
they follow the thakuras dancing in each place their bodies are bent
now as more raindrops fall
and pedalers are in the mist
a team goes by leaving the rest in the fog
quickly the pelicans point the way as ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls
meeting kalarupa at the mrga bhavana
over the field where the bunnies greet
the sandhya is performed nice and neat
hiranya kasipu nightdress is put on
soft and comfortable for evening wear
dancing in the evening air
follow the angels
to find the way out of here
turns into a mess on our own
green with yellow chodder for Mahaprabhu
yellow choli for Srimati Gandharvika
Giridhari in yellow with bit of green trim
leis made from roses with leaves are onederful
and they outline their forms
in the late morning early afternoon
pedaling out of the rain
remembering this outfits name
follow the angels
over the first highway
hoping for a sunny day
dusting the e-bikes who come to challenge
speed gets slower as the battery runs down
tracing the hook with great fun
down the direction of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
meeting at the mrga bhavana
pulling into the asrama scattering the bunnies
while vijaya silently smiles hello
in the ninth is also from vyasa puja
Guru Maharaja appeared late at night
when the thakuras were all taking rest
after dressing in the red blue and gold
they go out dancing in spite of the cold
as I walked into the natha mandir
saw the thakuras in their fresh day dress radiating cheer
and a young devotee asked me if they have
any outfits of yellow and red
walked up to the sewing room with this suggestion
thought the seamstress might have one hundred ideas but no not one
she was so surprised to hear where this one came from
and a Latin lady said to me it’s so good that the big daisy pompom
is sitting at Giridhari’s shoulder
while Murka and I pedaled away
the sun was gone
now our lights were on
what a way to play
went down by a surya bhavana
heaps of tourists there waiting for a thrill
back out into the night to pedal on
meeting kalarupa under the famous tree
after hearing him call out to me
saw Bhakta Blade chanting his rounds
then we dressed the thakuras in their baby blue clothes
for their night pastimes rings on their fingers and bells on their toes

Monday, November 07, 2011

kalarupa waits where ratha-bhojana-vrksa sings
to see what Murka brings
together they see mrgabhavana is dark
then they arrive in time for sandhya happy as a lark
a friend of the fallen is the greeter
talking like a pirate the hot pink looks sweeter
the emerald is just right of course
to sooth the rider of the different colored horse
entering Markatamani puri
to make camp till mangal arati
look come see what the thakuras are wearing today
that aruna har posse that for some time had ridden away
but it seems those are some of their favorites
aruna har posse rides again
leis of full roses knee ticklers today
with their faces on display
there’s a pace line on the street
who’s form is clean and neat
tag along behind stay out of their way
join in on their ride
don’t try to hide
from the pace line on the street
the dark days are beginning to set in
get out the lights again
there’s bon fires on the beach
a stack of driftwood for each
now the ratha-bhojana-makes the call
sending Murka into a haul
to meet kalarupa at the mrgabhavana
the sandhya has come
welcomed by Mahamuni the flowers await
and they’re offered straight
in the lotus nails
thakuras are ready for their evening dance
when the curtain opens all get the chance
to remember how Aruna har posse is ridding out there somewhere
one cannot but adore the day
blessed by the advent of Gaura Hari
celebrated this year with teal paper silk
and on Mahaprabhu’s chest a peacock swoon
from swirling in bhava under that full moon
leis made with care and attention
roses, leaves gladiolus and mums
keep this one quiet
but don’t go to slow
perfect circles in the flow
spinning even on this wet date
covered by a large umbrella
under cover
with the kirtan in your ears
trap your mind
wear a hat absorb the condensation
still must do the daily service
don’t lose your smile
under cover
sandhya is now unveiling
blessing all who attend
a miracle mom
the nightdress
from Srila Prabhupada’s appearance
made so quick
seamstress head span
now they take their rest
when the moon and stars provide the light
hues of purple herald coming of night
Take care, watch out beware don’t chat
with any ghosts who take the form of a cat
standing outside the room so bright
Guru Maharaja says “I was born at midnight”
in celebration this dress was revealed for sight
leis of rose leaves and lilies that gaze to the stars
though yesterday was wet and the sky was grey
this afternoon Murka and I were able to get away
still quite cold here by the bay
pedaling with freedom on this November day
going to the hook looking at the waves along the way
wearing their white caps no sufferers come to play
hammering along to where the pelicans point but we just can’t stay
pedaling to the natasala on this November day
still there’s a team out to catch a ray
been out for a sprint make the practice pay
ratha-bhojjana-vrska calls with this to say
“come back for the vaikalika service offer their tray”
so Murka begins to hammer to meet kalarupa on the way
pedaling back to the asrama on this November day
welcomed by Mahamuni after the bunnies scurried today
for rest it’s synchronicity
mango yellow and blue night before ekadasi
mahaprabhu asked his mother one thing
don’t eat grains on Ekadasi day
it will take you to the desnintation
the vaikuntha world to kirtan in
so we looked at the calendar and counted
put the cape on when he reached eleven
waved to the pujari asked him
will the arat start on time
but the capatis weren’t made of flour
and nothing green should be on the plate
thakuras dressed in every color in the rainbow
and multi colored and varieties of flowers in the leis
don’t tug on superman’s cape
got ourselves together
the team practicing shouted join in
oh what a feeling when we understood
it was us they were shouting to
soon the rain came down again
the pelicans were pointing
we came upon two geese or four
who honked as we went by
let Murka get back for the sandhya
for they’re sure to be waiting by now
you can see Mahamuni greeting me
asking did you pedal in the rain
answer was I pedaled between the drops
the yellow soft gold comfortable for rest
or whatever they may do when the light goes out
well the chiffon chodders
surround them
the color of the foam on ghee
with rust and avocado color flowers
embroidered on the creamy tan
and you offer rose baby’s breath and petal leis
that follow their curves
then Murka and I spin through the jungle
to the sufferer thakura and the natural bridge
the autumn chill in the air
pedaling around the spinner’s church
hearing the call
meeting the kalarupa at the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
returning in a bonk
greeted by Bhakta Blade
ready for the vaikalika seva
dressing them in the evening
red and white silk smooth and safe as milk
when taking the name the name is touched
by the tongue and that’s the touch that kills mundane connection

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

tailor said "I'll make the outfit
but not from your pattern
it isn’t opulent enough
not enough challenge
let’s have flowers swirling around
in the empty spaces
of the skirt and chodders
it can be ready by Janmastami day
pedaling down by the old railroad bridge
where the blue herons stay
following along with the pace line
fast and fit racers lead
us asrama dwellers
crossing the first highway
through Saint Dagwood’s park
where the river flows and the folks are wild
behind a car that declares it’s art
with several cow horns and a statue of
an Egyptian goddess
now return home
to the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa
past the jungle that’s full of sounds
kalarupa says come with me
to the sandhya celebration
over the chain where the bunnies hop
scatter quickly to get away
dress the thakuras
in their baby blue
a nightdress where Mahaprabhu and Sri Gandharvika
featuring blue
while Sri Giridhari features white
take rest now under the starry sky
wait till everyone comes to be seen
at mangala arati
gurudeva told us the thakura’s traditional colors
mango yellow and blue
in this outfit Srimati Gandharvika’s sari
is especially beautiful
took some green for Mahaprabhu’s chodder
along with Giridhari’s yellow with colored jewels
the devotees could hardly wait to see them
hey flower man puspa frank is there any way
you could give some roses and zinnias for the leis
late in the afternoon heard the call of the wild
and Murka and I got out to pedal for a while
over the first highway to the hospital corner
where we came upon a pedaler who is a foreigner
he asks why to go north he has to start south today
at least that’s what his map seems to say
it’s just the way the roads lead
something about the local breed
kalarupa waits where ratha-bhojana-vrksa sings
to see what Murka brings
together they see mrgabhavana is dark
then they arrive in time for sandhya happy as a lark
a friend of the fallen is the greeter
talking like a pirate the hot pink looks sweeter
the emerald is just right of course
to sooth the rider of the different colored horse
entering Markatamani puri
to make camp till mangal arati