Saturday, March 10, 2007

Light and airy, the watercolor silk has a spring look to it. The lotus flowers are low and they overflow with guru's mercy. The Bengali Mahal Jadhu. Blue for Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika while Giridhari wears yellow. Giridhari's pants look like ganta bottoms today, have ganta will travel.
The sufferers were out in force today, the days are warm and the sun is bright along the wharf, the cliffs and the cove. As the pedalers are also out on the "peletons" some are in full dress while others are in regular clothes. Every one smiles as they pedal past the beaches shining in the noon day sun and on to the sandhya, a quiet evening as the time prepares to fly.
The most blessed event will see in the spring ahead act this evening. The cool clear night once again will provide the backdrop for any late dancing activities.



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