Saturday, March 24, 2007

"The dresses get better with age" The garland maker told me today. "It was offered about three years ago and it looks better today than it did then". The rich beige, gold color with the orange and green shapes in the pattern. The veil and chodders are sheer enough that that easily float in the breeze created by their dancing.
People out pedaling two by two. i came up upon a couple on crusiers. We were climbing a small hill. They struggled mightily and when i went by them with such ease, the man looked to his significant other and said "Woha" That was on the east cliff beach. i had come from the road that goes past the theater where China blue is playing tonight. Another couple in team outfits pedaled by raising their fists in the air to show unity.
The most blessed event. They stayed up a little late tonight. Must be the spring in the air that keeps their thoughts turning to the rasa dance.



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