Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hari bol Prabhu, lets talk about the parikrama around the land
We’re on parikrama around the Deities’ land hoping the hari nama will penetrate deep in my brain, even deeper than the rut caused by today’s rain
At the end we go in for darsana and see the Deities dressed in an outfit embroidered with so many peacock feathers it’s almost like a sikkhipicca camara fan. One of the ladies in a brightly printed sari comes up to the altar fence and remembers “there was so much glue on this dress we had to wash it all off while we ironed it dry it nearly burst into flames” before Om Paramahamsa Thakura and I could remember if it was offered on Janmastami or Nrsimha Caturdasi they had pulled away for a nama hatta at the base of Treasure Island.
And we were left to look at the leis and see they had petals and roses with hanging flowers in the middle with mums and even a few leaves
How great is it when “everyone’s best friend” gives the chance to see him playing his flute and engage in his service?
To the main street Murka and I have a long talk with friends in the southland. Between the drops there is a party in the village. The beach is empty ‘cause of the lack of space between the drops. Around the harbor the boats are tethered so at the shop I take my leave and let Murka sail around the corner to the reviewing stand that is idle the treacherous triangle is practically impossible to get through. By the time he gets through Murka has to kick it to make it for the sandhya. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees him fold his palms and picking up the kalarupa to give him support to the welcoming committee of the pompous grass.
Learn to play the karatalas and express the devotion I feel offer kesarkeela khir for them to drink all night long it’s a world of names and this nightdress has one too, they call East Bengal the Radhadesa, this one’s baby blue.
Look at that now
under cover right there hiding parrots
printed on the chodder and saris
things that tiptoe in there right in front of you
that sneaky seamstress
just see how
they can’t remain a secret now
they’ve worked their way into your head
spreading happiness all around
leis of sumanas flowers, daises, and roses
even sri venu has one today as Giridhari’s tickles his toes
from the asrama to the wild of the hills. It’s said that atop gupta Govardhana there are pedalers that can see the sunshine even on the cloudiest of days. That all them are able to pedal at the speed of the mind and that the clock is always on their side. No beasts are allowed on gupta Govardhana and the sun never sets there. No one doesn’t pedal and all are on rivendell cycles. The burfy is made from full cream and parama anna is mango. Coming down from gupta Govardhana the ratha-bhojana-vrksa smiles and nods as we bow and the kalarupa wonders how it is that murka will make it for the sandhya.
now that the time has come for the Deities to begin their evening pastimes babaji maharaja enters into marakata mani puri talking like a pirate. Hi diddlee dee hot pink and emerald to see….

Monday, December 28, 2009

Hey prabhu it’s ekadasi, take a look at the calendar its ekadasi
Don’t worry about that we can do something groovy on ekadasi
We’ll have some good hari katha on this ekadasi day
Ekadasi day fast today
Let rice, capatis and dahl take a holiday
Flowers on Giridhari’s chodder and colors everywhere
Sit down and chant on the ekadasi day
Darsana shows every color in the rainbow look at them on the run
sound of kirtan like rivers of nectar splashing down everyone can get caught up in the nectarean ocean sea that’s what I’m hear Gurudeva say
Queen in days of old on the ekadasi day
fragile yellow roses and leaves make the leis
Queen in days of old on the ekadasi day
All along the big street shoppers are in view
while beasts come and go on the go-light’s cue
at the navapatra many have gathered for a chat so Murka and I stay until the light is almost gone. There is a fixed gear rally going by and do they look a little weird. Off to the side of the lion’s park some students are laughing and smoking like they can’t on school grounds. On the beach there are a few who are sunning themselves before the chief calls them back tomorrow. There is no one at the natasala today and I take leave at the shop to see how jolly the season has left our gang. Murka heads on for the sandhya with the advice of the bear and others. The kernel of divine love is the welcoming committee today and he smiles as he walks on down the path.
If you have darsana of the thakuras in this dress you surely will be able to say good-bye to all mundane tastes and longings. The creamy white and red with flowers topped by winter chodders presents a festival for even the eyes of cupid.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bringing the sun back, pedaling the rain out on the pacific coastline.
But if you don’t get darsana of Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari
You’ve missed the point of the whole thing
Bringing the sun back.
Mukuts offered on Gaura Purnima with the outfit was seamstress’ dream
made in Vrndavana to her order
so if you don’t get darsana of Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari
you’ve missed the point of the whole thing
bringing the sun back
posse in aruna hara rides again saying “ya’ll come back, ya hear”
associate with them in eternal service
that way you’ll be sure to get darsana of Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari
and won’t miss the whole thing
bringing the sun back
leis are wild and free approaching symmetry roses and green leaves
be sure you come for darsana of Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari
or else you’ll miss the point of the whole thing
bringing the sun back
the southland has a few friends hanging out and having fun. Another fixed gear freak goes by and laughs a bit when he sees Murka and I in our wintry dress the whalers all think it quite good though. The house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot is full to the maximum. I take leave at the shop for the last day or two before the day. Murka goes on to the harbor and between the lakes for the chance to see the folks with their bon fires. Then the wharf road takes him to the long and winding to fold his palms before the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa takes the lead in getting to the sandhya
O deer dough have you seen Krsna on this night of stars and a waxing moon. The take rest soon enough so they can get up and dance the night away.
I want to follow the angels where they go
and see Giridhari dressed in yellow
then I’d get to see Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika in their green
nothing I’d rather have seen
seamstress picks up yellow now choli, sash, and chodder will flow
follow where the angels where they go
and see Giridhari dressed in yellow
leis are fragile roses, offered for Guru Maharaja’s janmadina
trace the lines of their dancing forms so clean
I want to follow the angels where they go
and see Giridhari dressed in yellow
to the main street along the way the campa hatti and clank of the aluminum bat park are closing. The whalers are detailing their last detail. Around the corner past the reviewing stand where the king of cruisers is watching. I take leave at the shop and Murka takes an easy spin through the treacherous triangle. The bear looks on and smiles as he crosses the light and makes it to the wharf road. under the first highway to the main street with a few beasts overtaking on the right so while they go right he takes the left to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees the folded palms of murkha while the kalarupa chases him up to the sandhya.
somehow the on this eve of eves “I saw Vraja kissing Santa Claus” is the nightdress. They dress quickly so they can go on enjoying like anything.
The smooth dancing actor is in town again as the solstice is in the flow
A blue flower is way above power for all the devotees who know
Gurudeva has made it our right to have him take his place in our heart
Gurudeva plants the seed of the name that’s the way it should start
Seamstress’ devotion is evident by the way she makes the clothes
Summer breeze is a guru as it brings His scent to Mahaprabhu’s nose
Even though it’s so high we pray he takes his place in our heart
Gurudeva tells us that he’ll take us home if we just catch on to his feet
The leis of roses sway with their forms to make the dancing complete
Makes a picture that’s just the right size to fit into our heart
The lion’s park to the campa hatti and through the village all along the beach to the point of the hook a couple of cruisers are there between the lakes are a few more looking for a break from the spirit everything is dark in the neighborhood of the natasala I take leave at the shop and Murka goes through the treacherous triangle like it’s never been full before. The ramp is fast and empty to the wharf road with the pitch on the right. Around the main street to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa accepts the folded palms of Murka who picks up the kalarupa on the way to the sandhya where Vijaya is welcoming Murka while splitting wood
Deep within the far jungle the nightdress for the chilly is evening with the stars in the cloudless sky. The fire is burning but the chodders are on ‘cause it won’t last through the night.
Have you seen the Thakuras in ‘Pasture Media Time’?
With the beads in their effulgence hanging down
sitting under the trees watching the cows grazing from the ground
they drink from simple banana leaf cups
dhood that the cows kindly bestow
cowboys blow on their buffalo horns
calling to the cows ‘it’s time to go’
unlimited fun in the pasture media time
every step is dance and all talking is song
wearing leis of roses and gerbera daisies captivating one and all
it’s a real ride no where the spacey highway is flooded so Murka and I go on to the village where the streets are almost empty. The beach is empty too, the drops making circles in the water. Pedalers in rain gear even the fixed gear freaks. Between the lakes memories of a concert long ago at the natasala one about the old country was playing at the shop I take leave and murka quickly goes for the cover of the bear. Then the pass that has the first highway flowing above darting to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa where he bows his head the sandhya is awaiting only the kusa grass is able to welcome him in.
“My name is Hiranya Kasipu!!!!!”the great demon exclaimed this one is offered on his “disappearance day” so many nightdresses have been offered on that day that his name came to the top of the heap for the gold and soft bed outfit.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

There is a feeling the 1486 is going to be the year
that Radha and Krsna descend combined together
the world has all reason to be optimistic
‘cause when yellow and blue combine as green
they’ll spread incomparable mercy
and the people will be able to bear the age of kali
leis of roses with petals so precisely folded
they look as though they are whole flowers also
the spacey highway has so much to say that the batteries are almost run down. Pedalers are again dressed like Eskimos. Teams are wearing booties and layering wool while the errand runners are wearing big coats. The fixed gear folks laugh at all this and dress as if it were July. The solstice has come so the trend will begin to reverse and the light will return. Still this evening Murka and I spend much time under the lights. The pompous grass marks the path back to the asrama where Murka jumps the chain and trudges up the muddy path.
Bhakta Blade is there dressing Giridhari. Murka points out that Giridhari’s nose jewel is missing and Bhakta Blade finds it in Giridhari’s hair. So many adventures during the dressing, he also had stoked the fire so high once again that they didn’t need chodders.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yes Gandharvika's a goddess but your tiara offering
has no value any more
'cause the demigods and wives bow them at her feet by the cror
She appeared here a young Indian girl
but Her attendants are from CA
so She's no longer a Bengali rural
taking some roses and some petals too
add leaves from their stems complete the leis view
the highway is light today and so the lion's park is waiting and pointing the way to the village where the tourists are looking for signs they'd been to a beach. At the hook the cruisers are waiting for a challenge so Murka and I sped through them all the way to the natasala where people are lining up for the third show. Down to the shop where I take leave and Murka continues around the corner to the treacherous triangle through there to the harbor between the lakes past the windmill to the wharf road to heed the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa bowing he meets the kalarupa for the run to the sandhya
the Thakuras dress for rest quickly while feeling like swirling and dancing while wearing the Deep within the far off jungle nightdress. The residents of Vrndavana often referred to themselves as jungle dwellers.
On Vyasa puja going to get a new outfit together Gurudeva selected the colors and he'll celebrate this very place
No need for crying the new outfit and his presence will put a smile on your face
“It's such a happy outfit” the seamstress said “it spreads joy all about” it reminds everyone of the good time had blocks the bad times out
leis of neatly trimmed, cleaned roses gently follow their contours,
rhinestone mukuts shinning reflecting inner light always fresh and new
in the morning be there for first darsana and Gurudeva will be there too.
Around the southland to the lion's park and along the beach where the sufferers are out of the water early with the winter chill rolling in. between the lakes the geese are hiding under the lifeguard stand. A team goes by trying to keep loose. Even near the natasala there are shoppers out pedalers are few there goes a fixed gear student and on the right are a couple of errand runners. I take leave at the shop but Murka goes on to the ramp where the bear says “hey”. The friends have gathered at the navapatra today for a short chat until the light shows signs of leaving. A game is breaking up on the pitch where yellow seems to have beaten green. The main street brings on the long and winding road and the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. Folding palms there Murka brings the kalarupa up for the sandhya all the while racing the fading light.
The softest of nightdresses this evening the snowflake chodders are on they dress early and their pastimes begin and go on all night long.
Mahaprabhu in Jarakanda smiled as he listened to the parrots
who sang a funny song about Krsna and his consort Radha and each other's merrits
the male parrot sang of qualities of Krsna, which show him second to none
but the female parrot sang of how Radha enchanted even he
may such talks enchant me
a pinch-hitter made the leis today
for the regular is in recovery
full roses nice and fluffy
each with a flavor all it's own
next last day before the solstice. The longest night is on its way so Murka and I are challenging the darkness. Along the main street to the clank of the aluminum bat and the whalers who are out singing and dancing and smelling the incense with the hari nama party. The house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot is full of people getting things for a birthday celebration. On the harbor and the redone road. By the railroad track over Saint Dagwood's river and the boardwalk tourists are feeding the sea lions with things purchased at the bait shop up the beach hill to overlook the mountain men in their park only a few are looping the loop and defying the ground today university folks on their fixed gears are invading the territory so Murka and I get onto the drops and head back to the shop where I take leave and he goes on through the treacherous triangle filled with beasts who only barely let him pass the ramp leads to the wharf road with the pitch on the right under the first highway on the way back to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa has been waiting to help Murka beat the onslaught of darkness the kernel of divine love is the welcoming committee today he shows a smile.
In the ninth a remake of some previous parts into a nightdress that goes on in a fast manner so they don't have to wait to start their evening fun and this evening was no exception they were ready to dance the night away with lots of night left.
Once at Gurudeva's seva asrama
came a young girl for darsana
she pondered the colors the Deities were wearing 'twas the day of red
the seamstress to note of the words she said
she'd suggested the next outfit could have yellow red and mango
what are the Deities wearing today I asked answer was “I don't know”
You're missing the point I'm sure doesn't need making
The roses, petals and gerbera daisies
make wonderful leis
but then I don't know what Gaurangasudar is wearing in San Jose
through the southland after the rains pedalers dressed as if they were in the Iditarod. Chasing along behind a team Murka and I get closer and closer as they go between the lakes and along the harbor. Murka and I take the right to the natasala while the team goes along to town along around Saint Dagwood's river. I take leave at the shop and Murka goes around to the reviewing stand and on to the ramp to the bear where the wharf road urges him to go to the left. The main street delivers him to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where he bows and falls in behind the kalarupa. To the sandhya Vijaya is there as the welcoming committee today after splitting firewood.
Baby blue with big chodders due to the wind outside Gandharvika seems to look better with her chodder over her head and Mahaprabhu and Giridhari look warmer with bigger chodders and they still find it easy enough to dance the night away.

Friday, December 18, 2009

You know that I would be lying
Not even close to the truth
If I were to tell you that cleverness had no limit
sitting with friends tell stories of previous night and sighing
hearing activities there one hesitates and bows her head
Giridhari quickly seizes the time
to draw dolphins engaged in water sport in a vraja minute
finding cleverness’ outer limit
leis of roses, stock and lily like flowers
the first two with the staying power
lilies lacked couldn’t hang till thakura went to bed
first stop is the highway to talk to friends and a janmadina offering. A guy with the bear of the state on his helmet goes by on his fixed gear. a couple of cruisers are ahead but Murka and I are able to overtake on the point of the hook. Along the beach where the only people on the sand are making bon fires if they can find enough dry wood. The sunny cove is empty. The harbor has the boats tied down. The natasala is ready for the first show of the night with people waiting all the way to the mural of the skateboarders. At the shop I take leave and he continues around to the reviewing stand where the King himself is in attendance. The treacherous triangle is just that today with shoppers all determined to go at once. The ramp eases him down to the school light. All along the road to the navapatra for ghee wick material. With the pitch on the right where a furious game is going on Murka takes the left on to the wharf road under the first highway and up to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where he folds his palms the kalarupa makes sure his lights are in place and then chases after Murka all the way to the sandhya. A trio of southpaws in the kitchen greets him.
The lotus nails is the nightdress tonight. Without Om Paramahamsa Thakura to stoke up the fire the chodders are back. They dress quickly and begin to dance and dance for the rest of the night.
As two sadhus sit to discuss spiritual truth in Bengali
one turn to the other and in English says, “Die to live”
when disciples are ask Gurudeva what it takes to get free
his answer is simple “die to live”
students standing in darkness, eyes shut tight Guru Maharaja whispers words to make them see
“die to live”
playing scrabble when the words get pushed together cook reads
and asks what is a “diet olive?”
roses, petals, leaves and daisies mixed into leis so tastefully
for the name of this outfit is “diet olive”
to the shopping precinct from the main street for fruit and such things. A rig with disc brakes has such a hub on it hard to believe. In the afternoon sun people are in shirtsleeves and shorts. Sufferers are returning to the beaches. At the point of the hook the cruisers are in force still Murka and I are able to navigate through them all and come out on the harbor side. The natasala is off tonight but I still have to take leave at the shop and leave Murka to the treacherous triangle full of beasts and something that seems on the level of tyrannosaurus belching black smoke sure to do wonders for your lungs. The bear smiles as he goes by on the way to the wharf road under the first highway to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa bowing and chasing the kalarupa all the way to the sandhya to be greeted by a sagarethan.
A lion on the chase is the nightdress. Yessssireeesir another Nrsimhacaturdasi offering Gandharvika is topped with a chodder from the non-Russian collection ‘cause the color goes better with the dress another quick dressing night so they can dance the night away.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The moon is dark and the stars are few
Still just ahead the kirtan party is coming into view
As people joined in Srila Gurudeva beamed
May this little poem let all hear what I’ve seen
Roses yellow, white and red make the leis
Combine in a most elegant artistic way
With the usual entrance to highway to space closed down Murka and I head for the navapatra. Buying some phalam there is a customer ahead looks back at Murka and his baggy shorts and asks “what will you wear when the temperature hits one hundred next summer?” as Murka laughs the customer is happy “He’s laughing, I thought he might get angry” then he tells Murka “I grew up in Minnesota so I’m different” “well I grew up in the land of high school basketball” the highway is open there and friends are happy to talk From there to the wharf road folding his palms to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa kalrupa takes him to the sandhya greeted by bhakta blade
Argh mates! Om paramahamsa thakura has stoked the fire so high that by mangala arati everyone may have gone to davey jones’ locker. Talking like a pirate he goes to his kutir not to be seen ‘till Sunday.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Devotees everywhere thought I would
call this one “little red riding hood”
but with black and white added it changed the mix
in hood of the highest bhajana a young man once said
“I shall not fight” and spoke no more
in that hood a king met friends from the village
service is so necessary there who can deliver
gets the most remuneration
leis of wild and free style with petals and eucalyptus
pedaling along the long and winding road past the ratha-bhojana-vrksa to crossing the main street to the southland where the highway is spaced cyberly. Lots of people talking of things to come while pedalers were bundled for the chill factor around the campa hatti to the village and around the point of the hook where the cruisers are absent thinking the rain is returning and the cold won’t leave them alone back to the wharf road under the first highway to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees Murka bow his head and chase the kalarupa to the sandhya where the rabbits are greeting him.
Under the chodders and partly cloudy skies for their dancing this evening in the baby blue outfit. They dress quickly and wait for the lights to go out so they can start the night pastimes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Before midnight makes sure no ghost in the form of a cat is around
‘cause at midnight the uttama bhagavata is going to come down
he’s coming to talk and engage in kirtan
he’s going to give the explantion
of how Vrndavan is for shallow thinkers
and shelter of Mahaprabhu’s lotus feet
are the treasure to be had in life
at midnight the uttama bhagavata is going to come down
leis of roses and petals that come late
they follow the dancing gait
enhanced by the Thakura’s beauty the leis look great
manasa pedaling again oh will the sun ever remember the days it made bright by the bay? Ah yes is the answer the spring is on it’s way. The streets are slick with oil and rain but Murka and I are still out there to see where the left hand of a dead man once turned the organic milk into cream. Are there rainbows to hide behind? Somewhere in the favored land rainbows are there to give a hiding place to anyone looking. Ratha-bhojana-vrksa is calling Murka back for the sandya while I take leave on to the shop. He bows to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and follows the kalarupa on to meet the deer loping along.
The creamy white mixing with the Chinese red embroidered with flowers takes ordinary breath away while inviting all to associate with them through their eternal serving mood. Mahaprabhu has a big chodder not the usual Russian ones worn by Giridhari and Gandharvika

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This was offered for Radhastami one year
Rare occasion songs of her glories are sung for all to hear
All the aratis and celebrations start precisely on time
Devotees join in dancing and singing transcendental rhyme
All around the curtain waiting for the Deites to appear
As the shank blows all devotees cheer
mrdanga and karatalas play together in time
the bells on Srimati Gandharvika’s skirt chime
devotees praise her mercy and dedication
roses, narcissus connected in leis by maker’s expert fabrication
for service Srimati Gandharvika, she’ll be there with bells on
again to the cyber highway where the friends are inside due to rain. Along to manasa pedaling off into the cloudy evening between the drops of rain where the pedalers all are dressed in rain gear but still smiling from the joy of pedaling. Around the corner through the triangle to the ramp and the navapatra the pitch is on the right going left there under the first highway where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa is amazed to see Murka and pulls a poncho over and gives chase.
It’s a miracle mom, the nightdress for the evening. They dress quickly and are dancing even now.
Have you seen the stars on Giridhari’s cloak?
Have you had darsana today?
You’ll see all the stars on his cloak the first ekadasi
come for arati they’re shinning bright and blue
mayur belts for both Giridhari and Gandharvika
bring out the peacocks on her skirt and colors on his cloak
chasing ordinary attraction away
each leis made by a different lassie
roses, leaves, petals, even narcissus though they be few
pedaling the storm out. not missing anything along the way like how the folks have gear for the weather. The Chihuahua on the helmet once again he hasn’t passed by in a while but there he is today. Fixed gears in normal stuff, nothing to appease the clouds. At the natasala I take leave and Murka goes on to the clank of the aluminum bat and the southland to cross the main street without the left turn. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa takes the folded palms and smiles as the kalarupa chases him in for the sandhya greeted by an umbrella.
Deep within the far off jungle the nightdress that came from cloth sent up from the southland by one of the family. They dress quickly to dance this evening during the rain that has gone on all day long. White red and green combine to be a soft outfit for rest.
By doing this one thing negative results are done
no matter how deeply piled
offering a sumanas flower on the lotus feet of Sachi’s child
seamstress thought she could put the blue back on the rack
seeing the effulgence she ordered more
this mukut changes each time
makes a more interesting rhyme
leis of roses so wonderful like a padma mala
on Kisora in new sevakunja
pedaling from the manasa to the mayur Christmas tree farm around the curvy back road. Over the reservoir all the way into the house of Gaurangasundar. The drops come down still Mahaprabhu’s call brings Murka and I to the celebration. Retuning over the wharf road bowing to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa to bow and pick up the kalarupa for the sandhya.
one watches as murka places the chodder over Gaurangasundar and he takes his rest after Murka asks “why did you run away?”
meanwhile back at the ranch the Thakuaras slip into their Hiranyakasipu nightdress a little chilly after the all day rain but they still dance the night away.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Devotees bathing and Mahaprabhu coming
The lion in both the zodiac and the moment of birth
Got to get down to the Ganga, eclipse has come around
Hari dasa Thakura and Advaita Acarya dancing, giving charity
Why? A great personality is about to appear
Leis in an emergency mode petals and roses full
Oh isn’t true that when the lions appear it foretells
The coming of a blue ribbon personality
Pedaling to the highway for a long talk with friends. The lion’s park is there and the campa hatti is on the right taking the left to the point of the hook. Between the lakes where not even the geese are hanging due to the cold at the natasala I take my leave and Murka takes off for the ramp through the treacherous triangle a few of the regular errand runners are there but with full winter gear from caps to booties as the ratha-bhojana-vrksq calls out while Murka folds his palms and falls in behind the kalarupa for the sandhya.
Prahlad-a-dad an orange nightdress from a Nrsimha Caturdasi days ago. It’s been so cold lately that the chodders are at the ready but bhakta blade has stoked the fire so high it’s hard to remember how many degrees the temperature might fall
After taking darsana there is a swami you can go and talk to there and one went in the other day and said Maharaja, I want to preach, I want to preach I mean talk to people and tell them the gospel of Sri Caitnaya Mahaprabhu tell them of the glories of chanting the holy name I mean preach preach preach and he started dancing around saying prech preach and there came the sankirtan leader gave a mrdanga and karatalas to both of us and said “you have done well now go out and tell who ever you meet about this” then there was the lei maker who said that Giridhari looks so good with that turban with pearls and peacock feathers curling around his eye. The lei are wonderful with roses and leaves able to sway with their movements easily.
In the cold and in the rain Murka and I are off to the cyber highway again to meet with the friends there. Between the drops and over the main street where Mahamuni who volunteers to give protection to the roadies there along the main street the whalers have gone inside and the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot has a full parking lot at the natasala people have their umbrellas open and I take leave at the shop while Murka and Mahamuni go on to the pedaler’s ramp and the bear to the wharf road back past the ratha-bhojana-vrksa bowing and following the kalarupa on to the sandhya
O deer dough have you seen Krsna? The nightdress on this chilly night chodders are on them while they get their nails done

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The kusa is in the grass the ghee is in the fire there’s no wood left for the homa the initiates return for the madhayana kalia arati having offered their collections to gurudeva there’s movement behind the green curtain as we follow the hard agni hotra instructions
Trying to become detached from our mundane selves wondering if the arati is on time
The embroidery on Giridhari’s chodder, the pleats in Gandharvika’s skirt, the crochet on the kirta of Mahaprabhu the devotees dance and they sing with this darsana a good is come into view
The leis maker sat at the mat to arrange the flowers today leis are of petals and roses too so symmetrical and so lovely.
To the main street past the campa hatti and the clank of the aluminum bat. Breaking the lines across the treacherous triangle and on to the manasa natasala. The fixed gear folks are in force but Murka and I are able to weave in and out of them around to Saint Dagwood’s park. at the shop I take leave as usual and leave Murka to head for the harbor. On the ocean side of between the lakes there are lots of sailboats. The windmill is still dark. The wharf road takes murka back to the long and winding where he folds palms to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and follows the kalarupa to the hidden valley where he crept up from behind to pass kalarupa and get to the sandya in the nick of time.
To bhakta blade’s surprise the nightdress I saw Vraja kissing Santa clause has ties, snaps and Velcro to act at fasteners on the outfit. He said if he could get through without cutting his toe he would be a success so he was. Om Paramahamsa Thakura learned a new word that made him laugh until late into mangala arati. quite a night, he was laughing all the way to the middle of mangal arati.
Ours is a siksa paramapara so it moves in a zigzag way. sometimes on one side and then jumping to the other. Like a serpent goes this line of truth. Mahaprabhu’s chodder, Giridhari’s waistcoat and Gandharvika’s sari all repeat the zigzag pattern. Mahamuni’s tattoo, the peach profit contributed the electric serpent, and the rest fell into place to reveal in midst of the vyasa puja celebration, Captain Zigzag’s electric serpentine line of truth.
Leis of narcissus flowers add fragrance and festiveness to the air beautifully lovely.
Pedaling along to past the shop overtaking errand runners on the way circling Saint Dagwood’s park and the leaping monque fixed gear freaks are there and Murka and I have been through that and it’s back to the shop where I take my leave and Murka goes on to the harbor and between the lakes keeping the windmill on the left and the local watering holes on the right. The wharf road takes him along to the long and winding to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where he bows his head and picks up the kalarupa and together they head to the vaikalika offering greeted by Vijaya and path leveling.
Deep within the far off jungle, tonight’s dress topped with chodders for the season Sri guru-gauranga gandharvika-giridhari dance the night away after the party breaks up.
To have your darsana is so rare
Seeing your forms dark and fair
There’s no other place we need to go
Gurudeva’s grace gives a hint of how much there is to know
About buttery foam
You’ve been with all through all the years
Seen all our smiles and touched our tears
How could we stay away so long?
You know you’ve been in all our hearts and mind
Wearing Havirbhu
We’ve been bound to samsara’s chain
Tasted both pleasure and the pain
Now by gurudeva’s instruction we stand
With both fire wood and flowera our hand
To offer to you dressed in Havirbhu
Crores of births come and go
We pray our service capital will begin to grow
Taking us beyond all time and space
Where we’ll be together face to face
to play with you dressed havirbhu
pedaling from the asrama to the main street around the southland to enter the spacey highway. Friends there are speaking of coming and going. On to the lion’s park and the campa hatti. Through the village laughing all the way. The beach is chilly and the sufferers are gone right now. Still joggers, lovers and pickpockets are still watching over pedalers who are a little careless in their routes. The natasala has an afternoon show and people are lined up around the corner. At the shop I take leave and Murka goes around the corner past the reviewing stand through the treacherous triangle on to the ramp and feeding the bear. The wharf road takes hum under the first highway to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa bowing his head and picking up the kalarupa as usual to get to the sandhya.
soft gold and yellow is a dress suited for a long winter’s nap. They dance away before coming to their beds decorated with aromatic flowers.

Meanwhile back at the darsana sri guru-gauragna gandharvika-giridhari have next day’s outfit on
When the Deities wake up we’ll know it’s the present day with a new interpretation of a vyasa puja creation that what keeps everyone coming back to see
Darsana by the bay what are they wearing on this new day? as you get up off the floor you bow your head once more make obeisances to everyone. some of them make the leis others do all the things that need to be done and if you go out to preach in the wasteland of this world you feel you have to pray to purify your mind and gurudeva will keep your memory in an affectionate way
Pedaling in my mind pedaling in my mind the main street around the southland to the lion’s park and the campa hatti. Through the village to the beach where the people are few and far between due to the chill in the air the rain is also a factor the fine art of pedaling between the drops is hard to master and Murka and I are still trying to come to the mark even the most expert come back a little damp fixed gear folks are undaunted along with the messengers nothing stops their spirit the ratha- bhojana-vrksa is there to be bowed to and send the kalarupa to make sure the sandhya is starting on time
In the ninth, the nightdress from a Guru Maharaja vyasa puja of days gone by still able to make any devotee long to join with any and all in the mode of service.
The seamstress in Vrndavana Janmastami’s coming
There’s no time to make a new outfit
A tailor could make one but he’s very cunning
Great society always does it big and spends quite a bit
Oh, the sun is going down all along the way as she follows the difficult directions tarking and dealing to try and get a new dress made even though our group is so small time
The outfit must be ready for the eighth day of the moon
the tailor wouldn’t follow the pattern
she knows what she wants and wants what she knows
even though our group is just small time
oh the leis being made by the light of the moon
making a simple design for the Thakura’s satisfaction
beholding them on the Thakuras devotees swoon
on the way to the manasa pedaling again, the cold and rain make it sad to think of the main street and the clank of the aluminum bat. On to the whalers who are detailed to the maximum through Saint Dagwood’s park to the trader’s circle around the trader’s and the monque up the beach hill to look on the park of the mountain men but it’s empty back through the “mall” to the corner and I take leave at the shop Murka goes down the ramp and says “hey” to the bear the wharf road is there but the ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls him home he folds his palms and drags the kalarupa to the sandhya where a deer is the welcoming party
the blue Krsna wears the white tonight. Gandharvika and Mahaprabhu are mostly in the blue. It’s a cold clear night and so they will stay inside tonight dancing all night long