Monday, June 03, 2013

there were two boys walking along when a flutter buttered by speaking to the boys "follow me I'll take you home" they came upon a forest where all were personified the peacocks danced and tigers chanted while the lions roared with delight Srimati Gandharvika's sari appeared to glow with tiny red christmas lights magenta mums and petaled roses reported for the leis the bamboo flute conducted this giddy symphony amazing all who saw main street through Saint Dagwood's park the cyclists will pass while the dogs all bark round spinner's church and the sufferer's shrine offering him flowers so fine rounding the bridge up the beach hill through treacherous triangle congested still through the southland ratha-bhojana-vrksa smiles as we bow before beginning the last few miles grampus welcomes us back sounds of the bells makes ordinary attachment slack in the ninth is the nightdress from guru maharaja's vyasa pug come and see everyone will be blessed sometimes the seamstress makes a plan but Giridhari may differently inspire the tailor man in spite of the patterns and explanations she tried some how or other they were pushed aside creamy white turquoise and red mukuts were made to match and sit atop the Thakura's heads assorted flowers made the leis that sway and dance in novel ways through the jungle passing the hanging tree goat moth hill is there to see a baseball park is on the left there's a hill inside called "the top of the world" where the brave go to ride up and down then ratha-bhojana-vrksa looks on folding our palms we go beyond the kernel of divine love welcomes us home bells begin devotees sing under nave bhakti's dome the lion laughs in deep blue defined by yellow boarder inviting all to dedication's quarter after the mangle arati everyone was so impressed kept the lemon mellow mukuts and effulgence after they were dressed coming to the altar for a sringara arati rhyme sue nila vasana can be a regular gold mine well i keep on thinking about their magenta mum rose leis hoping that darsana will always fill my eyes spinning through the jungle leaving our cares behing cycle babble and i aren't too hard to find and it's easy to know that the point of the hook is on their mind the cove is in the middle and the natural bridge is near the end through treacherous triangle on the hospital bend ratha-bhojana-vrksa is happy that we bow there are only a couple of miles left anyhow it's vijaya who welcomes us back to the fold bells are rung before it gets too cold nightdress of prahlad-a-dad panel skirt a design best to be had find a new design for this outfit something new and U knee Q a double chodder now like some venerable thakuras wear flower mesh from the fabric store to go with silken saris given months before benares bengali and lalita prasada curtain opens with these combine everyone applauds two unique chodders with full roses making long leis to float beside the two unique chodders another look for their divine play cycle babble and i sprinting to the opal bluffs along the beach the waves are rough drop the hammer between the lakes keep up with the team for goodness sakes bow to ratha-bhojana-vrksa who smiles spinning past mrga bhavana catching our breath while going on ada marina welcomes us home at bells we're never alone is Giridhari's jacket orange or is it green depends on the angle from which it's seen at the sunrise bells the chosen few will be able to tell in their day dress they look so prime captain zigzag's electronic line of truth is serpentine that is it moves in a crooked line from Mahaprabhu to Giridhari too and Srimati Gandharvika's in a purple hue leis of red roses reach down to touch their toses their fragrance tickles each and every noses up the forest past goat hill and the climb still goes higher still leveling at the lover's lane going back down again by the country store keeping the little league field on the right once more the lion's park with the school kids together by the crossing guard a few of the "city's finest" are eating lunch on the yard up the skater's hill and to the right going under the first highway the long and winding comes into sight ratha-bhojana-vrksa nods as we fold our palms and sing the name of gawd gramps himself welcomes us back ceremony of bells is on track this nightdress didn't take so long made so fast why it's a miracle mom


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