Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I remember you all cowboys in Vrndavan
Pasture media time
Frolicking and laughing with the cows and calves
Pasture media time
I don ‘t know why I left you giving up your love
I don’t know how I’ve stayed away
How do I bear the pain?
I see the leis of roses, mums and bougainvilleas
Pasture media time
Darsana of the Thakuras in pink white and silver
pasture media time
Spinning past the scientists that research the park
Over the snob hill and through the village on a lark
Pedaling in and around the sufferers and cruisers
On the thoroughfare then to Seymour’s museum meeting a couple of Hoosiers
Great blue echoes the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
Over beach hill round the corner I take leave at the shop stopping for siksa
Murkha hammers on trying to beat the kalarupa
Pedaling the path to be greeted by the glories of Krsna sung by sukha
In the ninth, the nightdress, Srila Guru Maharaja came down to rescue fallen souls and these colors, red, blue and green combine in his honor
Seamstress asked a favor
Of a mukutwalla tailor
Showed him the design
He said that would be fine
came to check it out on the chosen day
“why is it different? Is everything okay?” all tailorji could say
“you can’t have it your way”
odds and ends make the leis
a quick stop at the top of the access road
at the lion’s park another picnic is going on among those with no abode
skaters are mocking murkha and I cause they have to cease
I take leave as Murkha stops to acquire some joytish
Answering the call
Pedaling with the kalarupa is a ball
Welcomed by cecil bruner
Who is glad Murkha wasn’t sooner
Baby blue and white
That’s what they’re going to wear tonight
From Radhastami just after the moon was bright
At mangal arati consciousness rises to a new height
Took a look at the calendar today
Second day of the lunar month
Outfit to be “nothing up my sleeve”
the chilly day made me think twice
bhaktas wearing heavy sweaters
construction sounds filled the air
outfit was to be sleeveless July gloom cooled down and there they were
Srimati Gandharvika has yellow coli and veil keeping with the schedule guide
fixing their gaze upon this picture
focused their minds on other things
beautiful rose leis, manjaris, lotus feet
Giridhari’s artistic yellow
Spinning to the main street around the southland past Mahamuni’s post box there’s another picnic going in the lion’s park
Through the crowd of skaters at the corner and they smile Murkha and I cheer their celebration and give them contrast points for style
to the shoreline friends speaking the truth on the thoroughfare
at the natasala folks are queued round the corner for the show
I take leave and Murkha goes to see the king of cruisers gets blessing to hammer all the way to the tune of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s call
Kalarupa takes him to the path to the sandhya as folks gather in
In the evening the thakuras wear their pink and emerald nightdress marakatamani puri and enjoy like anything under the light of the stars

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Arriving at the nath mandir
Vision of the thakuras calls us near
Cleanses the dust from our heart’s mirror
Dresses the color of foam on ghee
Boil the butter ‘till it’s clear
When to the bottom you can peer
hydrangea roses & mums leis maker has the knack
with the dress of Havirbhu
murkha and I are out for the ride
find the thoroughfare and talk with friends inside
bout the dress color of foam on ghee
seeing the fixed gear freaks go by
along with the cruiser guys
I stop at the shop Murkha has to fly
Hearing the rahta-bhojana-vrksa cry
Come to the sandhya where in the dress the color of ghee
As twilight comes to pass
Dress them for rest at last
Hiranya Kaispu from Nrsimhacaturdasis past
Slipping out of the outfit the color of foam on ghee

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mahaprabhu appeared on the lunar eclipse
Worship him on that evening by lighting a ghee lamp with 108 wicks
Seeing amaryllis, pompom and wild flower leis
Filled even the mouths of the dumb with words of his praise
Bringing weapons of beauty and charm
He taught the chanting the name of Krsna as the yuga dharma
Fuchsia and teal paper silk
Peacock from a backdrop back in the day
On his kirta mixed in with the rest called
the oldest of all but in a new dress
spinning from the asrama wanting to go left at main street
pedaler’s self preservation says when encircled best follow the fleet
across beside Mahamuni who is joining the thoroughfare
murkha and I go round research park with the joggers there
back to main street to the asundara mukha and the news it brings
the lions are hosting kids on swings
through the village where the tourists go
cruisers are at the harbor I take my leave and murkha follows the flow
crosses over the first highway he has to sprint
a fixed gear freak strikes the hour that gives the hint
ratha-bhojana-vrksa is calling again
to join the kalarupa in the sandhya spin
a beast has bewildered a young Krsna cow
with no one there to show it how
murkha calls her over and the beast can pass
now the krsna cow’s life will last
Giridhari is in orange with purple sash and chodder
Gandharivka has orange veil and choli
while Mahaprabhu has purple kirta and white dhoti
this one is the smooth dancing actor
yellow and purple a janmastami outfit
with a flower pushed over his ear this dancer is for sure in control
flanked by Mahaprabhu and Srimati Gandharvika
his flute set ablaze by gold and danced on by his fingers
his pastimes attract every living soul
dancing with his topmost devotees
yoga maya makes all necessary arrangements
allowing them to enjoy is illusion’s job
say what is this dress’s name the seamstress can’t hear you so don’t worry
go ahead and speak your mind
with daisy, rose and marigold leis
thrilling everyone on that side of the yellow curtain
most wonderful thing for certain
encircle the park once more
some of the city’s finest are picnicking at the lion’s door
skateboarders are performing on the hill
one flips and his companions laughter is shrill
single joggers are running with multiple dogs
one team is in it’s custom canine togs
between the lakes are the faithful geese
their flapping, honking and waddling never cease
at the natasala I turn to the shop
time is on Murkha’s mind vaikalika won’t let him stop
a moment at the thoroughfare to get the scoop
then answer the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa to join kalarupa
hammering to see the kernel of divine love clearing the path
on the way to give the lord his afternoon bath
fittingly the nightdress is deep within the far off jungle
here that may bring a laugh
ahh but that is the vision of those that Bungle
so for now ‘till mangal arati
that is all there is to speak

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Coming in for darsana at the nath mandir
Blue and yellow vastra avidya timira it’s clear
If you see the shari on Sriimate Gandharvika’s
Skirt don’t be surprised
They’re collecting her qualities to recite
Twelve piece mukuts with a lemon yellow glow
Steal away all hearts with a sumanas flower halo
Jewel rose leis whose beauty won’t mute
Coupled with a fragrant malika lei ‘round Giridhari’s flute
Murkha and I are spinning across main street
Encircling the research park and the delivery fleet
Two hours are left on the clock
Sadly, though, entrance to the thoroughfare is gridlocked
Crossing the first highway left at the hospital curve
Hammer past the tennis park where the player holds his serve
The natasala is quiet for the next few days
I take my leave at the shop while Murkha continues on his way
Pushed along his way by a speeding racer but doesn’t fall behind
Steam breaking on his brow the salt burns him till he’s nearly blind
The windmill repair is open with sufferers ahead
In the mirror Murkha sees racer going left so he goes right instead
past the pitch where a game is coming to an end
the ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls out to him to chase his kalarupa friend
greeted by Bhakta Blade back at home again Prahlada-dad nightdress with a panel skirt
from Nrsimhadeva who fought with dad so his devotee didn’t get hurt
ekadasi came again today
when Krsna’s desire for enjoyment is high
rises early to dance on the altar
devotees assembled to sing along
roses and daisies extend past their knees
freestyle typical of the Wednesday leis
spinning to main street forgoing the thoroughfare
dvitiya campa hatti is on the right like the clank of the aluminum bat
left at the hospital curve to tennis park where the server is standing pat
alternately spinning and sprinting pass sufferers in the windmill’s shadow
under the first highway hearing ratha-bhojana-vrksa call, “come home”
he pedals alongside kalarupa in a quick cadence
cecil bruner cheers him on to begin before the sandhya ends
oh deer dough have you seen Krsna? Nightdress from Radhastami day
pale green with silver jewelry light enough for evening play

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

janmastami celebration weary
seamstress scheming to make a Radhastami dress
something electrifying, spectacular and impressive
it comes on Friday the thirteenth
what a clever name
take off the purple dhoti, kirta and chodder
make new ones in red
different mukuts complete the scene
won’t that be clean?
Leis of roses, mums and fun odds and ends
hefty arms on which devotees depend
murkha and I pedal to the beach over the first highway
the sufferers are changing, diving and surfacing like any other day
geese honk boats returning to be tethered at the harbor
errand runners and cruisers side by side
never wave at the roadies as they glide
round the fixed gear freaks in their training ride
at the shop I take my leave
make the sandya Murkha know he can achieve
his goal being there on time
Bhakta Blade has come to help the Thakuras into their nightdress
deep blue shown by yellow boarder they enjoy their rest

Monday, July 19, 2010

Deep forest green as the curtain is opened
Arati starting on time with black and silver trim
The devoted falling flat like a stick
Taking the name in their good faith
All serving willing now gurudeva teachs how
to get free from the material quicksand
daisies and roses
leis tickling their toeses
thakuras are ready for the program Sunday
spinning to the south encircling the research park
a picnic of lions near the campa hatti
a convention of skaters coming down the hill
performing tricks but Murkha and I are merely passing by
at the harbor the boats are tethered
people are lined up ‘round the corner
for the show at the natasala
I take my leave at the shop while Murkha goes by
Cruiser king on the way to treacherous triangle
heeding the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
hammering with the kalarupa to make the sandhya on time
greeted again by cecil bruner
touch that kills is the nightdress.
Red Chinese silk has them dancing on the whirl of the padma
through the mangal arati

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I was born at the stroke of midnight
While a guard stood at the door
Keep the evil spirits at bay
Glossy haze rises from the road
Ghosts take the form of cats under cover of darkness
Many spider mums make the leis move
Sit on their shoulders with style and grace
Ignited by the sunshine of the afternoon
Murkha and I cross the first highway at a sprinter's pace
Putting the fixed gear freaks and cruisers neatly away
Between the lakes the geese honk at sufferers' boards
At the natasala I take my leave but Murkha is in full flight
Recumbent can't keep up that's the truth
Ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls him back home again
Following the kalarupa cecil bruner welcomes him
Deep within the far off jungle they enjoy like anything.
White with red and olive ribbons no need for other bling
Learning to see the world with eyes tinged with the salve of love divine
Traveling on a flower airplane to arrive at arati time
Amarilys, rose and freesia leis white purple and red
Puspa halo over head
Thakuras seeming ten feet tall in their yellow and blue
Wafting mundane mustiness from the recesses of my mind
Murkha and I are pedaling to hear friends articulate
Spinning to elucidate
Kids swinging in the lion's park
Sufferers out on a lark
I take leave at the natasala while Murkha takes the street to the north
Raising cain through the treacherous triangle pedaling for all he's worth
Heeding the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa's call
Kalarupa imitating Murkha's who's there drawl
At the sandhya greeted by the kernel of divine love
Hiranya Kasipu nightdress
The demon sat on Nrsimha's lap
Now it's time for their long evening nap
They'll get up and play till mangala arati

Friday, July 16, 2010

Guess the name of the outfit toady
Yes the aruna hara posse rides again this way
Favorite colors of the Hindus they’d been away
The embroidery looks spacy
Aruna hara posse rides again
Wednesday the Thakuras were dressed so well
Mukuts from Gaura Purnima
Along with the belts you gotta love ‘em
Daisy, rose and sumanas leis like a raja’s ransom
Murkha and I go pedaling out to play
Trying to catch the team on the hill over the first highway
Got watch the time get to the dock
and back for the vaikalika at four o’clock
feel the rush from the risk it takes
offering fruit, lassi and cupcakes
recumbent pedalers are out on their way to the store
pass cruisers king’s I take my leave at the shop while Murkha keeps score
the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa leaves no mistake
hammering to the asrama for goodness sake
greeted by the krsna cows with a gentle low
dress them in the “lotus nails” not a weapon
eradicate the demoniac but keep the benediction
orange and green great to be seen
play all night and feeling keen
walking through the forest of Jharakandha
where all the animals dance and chant in their own way
two parrots that were magic flew down
speaking wonderful things sitting on Mahaprabhu’s hand
singing how Giridhari is most extraordinary in Srimati Gandharvika’s rays
snap dragons, roses and dahlias in the leis
from fran the campa hatti walla and private maharaja
sprinting to the main street Murkha and I cross over the first highway
catching all the go lights it was grand
so many beasts the treacherous triangle easy to weave the samaja
I take leave at the shop as Murkha plaits through as the cruisers graze
round the maple tree to return to the land
fixed gear freaks call out “on your left” but up the hill Murkha’s display
leaves them gasping like the pit crew in a garage
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls loud and clear
murkha sees the kalarupa in his mirror
while it’s the kernel of divine love with the welcoming wave
look out be careful there’s a lion on the chase tonight.
Purple and green with ruffled skirt soon they’ll be dancing as if in flight

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

There was a lion in the zodiac
When Mahaprabhu appeared
Even in the moment the lion was dominant
Sign of a mahapurusa if the lion comes twice
Incense smoke drifted from the altar
Hari nama filled the air
Purnima was overhead
But due to the eclipse it wasn’t there
Blue and pink with gold trim for Mahaprabhu and Gandharvika
Giridhari has silver instead
Silver hara and flute scored maximum contrast from OPT
Angel trumpet flowers make the leis
Everyone had to smile
Murkha and I took off in celebration
Pedaling over the first highway and on for many a mile
Such a pleasing day for pedaling
People on tandems one, two, three
Cruisers and fixed gears enjoy running errands
Taking in the sun by the sea
Enough time to take the long way home
But there’s the call of the ratha-bhojan-vrksa
Signals the end of the free rome
Look there it’s the Shugmeister general
been playing at a basketball park
taking leave I return to the shop
while Murkha chases the kalarupa
with the sun going down he’s welcomed back
by Vijaya whose staying under a woodpecked tree
OPT helps the Thakuras into the emerald green and pink nightdress,
Markatamani puri, talking like a pirate no less
Avast me hardies! If they don’t get their rest
ha ha might send us to davey jones’ locker
While they dance the night away

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The first day the Deities wore this outfit
was Janmastami, Giridhari’s birthday party,
and everyone had fun
kirtan and astoterra satta pradipa at midnight
almost burned down the house
had to put it down on pavement till it went out
offered on Janmastami
but worn on amavasya now
spent some looking in the garden
for flowers to pick today
getting really good at the stealth routine
gathering them and making the leis
roses, dahlias, lilies and mums
yellow and black with bumblebees
worn on amavasya now
murkha and I encircle the research playground
Mahamuni’s post box to see what is to be found
tracing the beach where the sufferers go
geese honk as roadies pass the natasala is starting the second show
through Saint Dagwood’s park left from end to end
up the beach hill seeing the sufferer thakura round the bend
at his kutir Bhakta Blade takes the name
in the navapatra friends play the game
going to Seymour’s museum and the great blue whale
tiring out and taking my leave at the shop murkha is looking pale
down the ramp speeding along about over the first highway
another pedaller asks for directions to a famous bay
then Mukha heeds the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s call
kalarupa chases to the sandhya to be sprayed with Ganga Jal
by wolfgang sloka slinger
taking reast in the dark blue and lemon yellow
dancing under the dark moon full on mellow
Gaura Purnima is coming and seamstress ask me what to do
“mango and red” a young one spoke to me this clue
hearing this the seamstress was quick to commence
leis of daisy pompoms and roses a little dense
at the southland the friends cheer at the manifestation
of Murkha and I after a chat
the Lion’s Park is where a lone ranger sat
following the path of the shore
but the sufferers are at work and say no more
even from between the lakes Mukha knows the term
of ratha-bhojana-vrfksa so breaks away leaving the rest to squirm
the moon is still dark but with Griidhari in white
you know it will only be a couple of weeks to the bright night
so in Bengal east’s baby blue
they dance in the dark sky stopping for the morning dew

Sunday, July 11, 2010

We’ve all come here
Time for arati is near
Please show us the Lord of our heart
How can it be fair?
The outfit has a purple that the priests wear
Gaura Purnima is like our Saint Patrick’s day
Even though the ceremony is set to begin
Not everyone is in
Phone rings they say they’ll be here but don’t know when
Trumpet and take aim flowers
Face the world in the leis
Class arrives is the clue
Thakuras will come into view
In the research park friends are meeting
A canon is dispelled as fleeting
Around the beach where the sufferers go
Murkha and I get a boost going in the direction the wind blows
I take my leave as Murkha goes on a while
At the top of campa hatti hill another pedaler passes with a smile
Only to be dusted herself by Murkha within the mile
greeted by the kernel of divine love
deep within the far off jungle nightdress with amavasya above
they dance and sing
and try to bring
a taste of divine happiness
how ‘bout we go to the natha mandir
it will be crystal clear
conscious plane of the sincere
pull contemplative minds from here to there
Bengali Mahal Jadhu
Water color silk of yellow and blue
with puspa mukuts on their heads
all comers cheer as they set eyes on the flowers
encircled by dragon flies
Bengali Mahal Jadhu
Marigolds, gerbera daisies, amaryllis and the rose of the day
combine in a fun way to make leis
spinning to the main street.
Seeing the thieves cache discreet
over the first highway
down a ramp where a beast allows passage okay
the toad is at the gym
asks Murkha is he can pedal with him
hammering along the pitch comes on the right
while still in full flight
left to the wharf under the first highway now
ratha-bhojana-vrska’s call brings Murkha to bow
the kalarupa takes him to the sandhya as he must
on the way a single pedaler gets the dust
through a herd of “Krsna cows”
at the asrama greeted by cecil bruner
sweat coming down his brow
Hrianya Kasipu, the golden soft bed
they wear for dancing where no one else will tread
enjoying like anything to the flute song of the crooner

Friday, July 09, 2010

Captain Z
Captain Zigzag dresses in electric purple and green
Brings his serpentine line of truth to capture
His lost servants in ways never before seen
Freeing them from whatever rapture
Leis floating floating on the cool breeze
To whom could I tell this and who will believe?
Murkha and I are circling the research park.  The Lion's Park is empty save for birds.  Many pedalers of all types are out again today.  Up ahead is one that is so yellow and black that even the saddlebags are as well as the pedaler dressed in those colors.  Another has a dog in a basket over the back wheel.  The geese flap their wings seeing the roadies pass.  A few more errand runners are between the redone road and the  natasal.  At the shop I take leave of Murkha who rounds  the corner to see the cruiser king.  Through  the treacherous triangle to the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot.  From there between the lakes the sufferers are catching the white capped waves while the joggers are in the pedaling lane acting as hurdles.  At the pitch another game has just ended but it's hard to tell who won.  Under the first highway to the main street heeding the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa shows the way to the asrama where Murkha is greeted by Cecil Bruner and company. 
It's a miracle Mom tonight's dress is going on so co-opperatively that they have longer to play before mangal arati when they'll receive the devotees again. 

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Today is Ekadasi y’all know
by the way the stars on Giridhari’s cape glow
and he loves to see y’all coming here
to hear the mangala arati shank blow
my mundane mind is disarmed and charmed
by Mahaprabhu’s raised right arm
peacocks on Srimati Gandharvika’s skirt, parrots on her belt
bhakta blade’s combination is heartfelt
delphinium centers in the leis curl around their knees
as divya mauli recites names of all their flowers quick as you please
spinning in the sun to main street over the first highway.
the whalers are detailing each best however they may
treacherous triangle and the hairdresser gives a pass
vaikalika time is coming up fast
through bhakta blade’s hood
where the sandalwood oil is smelling good
I can take my leave at the shop
but Murkha can’t stop
ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls
noticing his watch Murkha halls
the kalarupa keeps up the pace
at the asrama Murkha is greeted by Vijaya’s smiling face
oh deer dough is the dress tonight
with silver mukuts and flute the best sight
at the start of the day
after they’ve been out all night at play

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Woke up this morning in a dancing mood
a peacock appeared before me
told me I’m a dancer and I can teach some steps to you
an ancient conversation that I know is completely true
asks ‘where are you coming from?”
“the feet of Sri Hari”
“I was in the forest dancing before him
while he danced behind as a pupil
mirroring every step”
so I took shelter of the master
asking him
Krsna’s Guru Nath! Can you teach me how to dance?
Today there are leis of fun flowers marigolds, roses, and amaryllis
In colors of their clothes
Murkha and I are off circling the southland speaking with the near friends. Laughing, joking, singing and carrying on anandam buddhi vardanam. Going past Mahamuni’s post box and the lion’s park where the sprinklers are turning the grass green. Along the coastline where the sufferers are bobbing and surfacing boats out at the harbor up to the natasala around the corner seeing the king at the treacherous triangle I take leave and Murkha to shoot down the ramp to speak with the bear sweeping around to the navapatra the pitch witnesses another game Murkha goes left under the first highway onto the main street at the long and winding the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa pulls him to meet the kalarupa and pedal to the sandhya greeted by a southlander
Bhakta Blade has begun helping them into their Prahlad-a-dad nightdress. The orange panel skirt of Srimati Gandharvika and sash of Giridhari they dance and sway the night away

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Today it’s peacock feather eyes
Embroidered eye dealy can
Be made into a sikhipicca camara fan
The cowherd boys are all around
While visalaksa uses it to relieve
symptoms of Giridhari’s fatigue
roses, leaves combine with petals
in leis that follow swaying and dancing to gently settle
around the thakura’s shoulders
now our consciousness gels bolder
even though it’s early July it seems so much colder
pedalers in windbreakers on this gloomy day
with time off many are out to play
right at main street and over the first highway
seeing how the whalers detailing hoping for a sun ray
left at the hospital curve
at the tennis court the player has held serve
the natasala Murkha and I are on top
I take leave at the shop
Murkha rounds the corner to see the cruiser king
he smiles and has his bell ring
through the treacherous triangle and between the lakes
as Murkha passes the windmill’s blade shakes
game on on the pitch that is on the right
but there’s no time so Murkha takes flight
the ratha-bhojana-vrksa is waitng for him to heed the call
join the kalarupa in chase to the sandhya cross the asrama wall
greeted by the cotton tail hares no matter how small
the laughing lion nightdress deep blue
with yellow and flower boarder too
beadwork on Srimati Gandharvika’s sari
mukuts and effulgence lemon yellow
taking rest soft quiet and mellow

Monday, July 05, 2010

Seeing Srimati Gandarvika’s train so beautiful it will take away your breath
Makes all lost servants want to quit this world of birth and death crystal mukuts sparkling as if one thousand suns rose at once in the sky
The seamstress got inspired and the effulgence got a train attached
Anarthas are jumping off slowly one by one
while devotees are absorbed in kirtan and having fun
drinking in the nectar of Srimati Gandharvika’s train
their mirth is over flowing they hope it won’t slow down
murkha and I circle the research park over the first highway in a trot
taking the left at the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot
from families to roadies pedalers are everywhere this freedom day
everywhere is a party and a celebration where they let the music play
quickly past the corner sprinting to Saint Dagwood’s park
wondering at all the people who have assembled there for the lark
“do you want to race?” asks the driver of a beast
smiling Murkha and I agree saying “well to the next stop sign at least”
though easily dusted Murkha and I hammer up the beach hill
laughing from the thrill
taking the left past Bhakta Blade’s kutir and round the spinner’s church
being observed all the while from the catbird’s perch
spinning easily to Seymour’s museum to see the whale
even though it’s called “great blue” now appears quite pale
around the corner past the cruiser king I take leave at my usual place
today to reach the sandhya on time Murkha will have to race
and yes mddd he did get there in time
greeted by a leis maker just before the arati bell chimed
“the touch that kills, tonight’s dress,
helps all understand just how they have been blessed

Sunday, July 04, 2010

How can I solve this mystery?
What is it in me that she sees?
How long has it been since I gave pure devotion there?
Answers can be found in a combination of the divine pair
Giridhari in his yellow dhoti
Gandharvika in her blue sari
Come together as Mahaprabhu who today wears green
Two combine as one, this must be the world’s lucky day
Two combine as one come to engage in highest play
The Lord comes canvassing but requires no credit
Simply saying “Please come get it”
Wake from the darkness of ignorance
join the sankirtan party chant and dance
rose leis curling round their forms
recreating the meaning of norm
quickly go quickly pedaling the main street over the first highway passing the whalers detailing everything minutely
through the treacherous triangle messenger style
amazing the beasts all the while
house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot raises a smile
with the tennis park on the right
coming upon the toad road in full flight
levitate and slide down the hills
all the way to the navapatra in speedy thrill
a pogo stick rider lands on his behind in a fall
increasing the mirth of his friends and all
with the pitch on the right under the first highway to the call
of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa loudest of all
kalarupa pulls him to the evening sandhya of the day
greeted by cotton tailed hares all the way
deep within the far off jungle nightdress get done in time to take the test they swirl and dance till they take rest
Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan will take us out of here
said the poet to the guru
even though there’s so much bewilderment here
hari nama will bring true relief
this is the reason to be excited
out of kindness the guru spoke
coming from all across the universe only left a few
to mail tributes to krsna krpamurti and call on the phone too
leis of roses, gladiolas and amaryllis with colors that hide
murkha and I are pedaling long distance with the racers in stride
they are training as if wishing for a chance
to one day get the luminaries graceful glance
breaking away to avoid the coast
where the tourists and locals have gone to roast
from the harbor to the natasala at the top
I take my leave at the shop
to answer the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s call
he hammers past the long the short and the tall
the kalarupa pedals beside
while a mountain climber greets Murkha outside
Hiranya Kasipu tonight’s dress first worn at the magic time
between the dark and light awaiting the rhyme
taking rest for a moment in pajamas silken and soft
then dancing away the night as has been said oft