Coming in for darsana at the nath mandir
Blue and yellow vastra avidya timira it’s clear
If you see the shari on Sriimate Gandharvika’s
Skirt don’t be surprised
They’re collecting her qualities to recite
Twelve piece mukuts with a lemon yellow glow
Steal away all hearts with a sumanas flower halo
Jewel rose leis whose beauty won’t mute
Coupled with a fragrant malika lei ‘round Giridhari’s flute
Murkha and I are spinning across main street
Encircling the research park and the delivery fleet
Two hours are left on the clock
Sadly, though, entrance to the thoroughfare is gridlocked
Crossing the first highway left at the hospital curve
Hammer past the tennis park where the player holds his serve
The natasala is quiet for the next few days
I take my leave at the shop while Murkha continues on his way
Pushed along his way by a speeding racer but doesn’t fall behind
Steam breaking on his brow the salt burns him till he’s nearly blind
The windmill repair is open with sufferers ahead
In the mirror Murkha sees racer going left so he goes right instead
past the pitch where a game is coming to an end
the ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls out to him to chase his kalarupa friend
greeted by Bhakta Blade back at home again Prahlada-dad nightdress with a panel skirt
from Nrsimhadeva who fought with dad so his devotee didn’t get hurt
ekadasi came again today
when Krsna’s desire for enjoyment is high
rises early to dance on the altar
devotees assembled to sing along
roses and daisies extend past their knees
freestyle typical of the Wednesday leis
spinning to main street forgoing the thoroughfare
dvitiya campa hatti is on the right like the clank of the aluminum bat
left at the hospital curve to tennis park where the server is standing pat
alternately spinning and sprinting pass sufferers in the windmill’s shadow
under the first highway hearing ratha-bhojana-vrksa call, “come home”
he pedals alongside kalarupa in a quick cadence
cecil bruner cheers him on to begin before the sandhya ends
oh deer dough have you seen Krsna? Nightdress from Radhastami day
pale green with silver jewelry light enough for evening play
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