Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Darsana of the thakura will free your mind
From ordinary rhyme
To play among the lotuses and dragon flies.
Harinama sankirtana acts like Bengali Mahal Jadhu
Around them the effulgent glow
Sometimes overflow
With aromatic flowers
Hang on to Gurudeva’s lotus feet if you want to go
Harinama sankirtana acts like Bengali Mahal Jadhu
So let’s not waste time thinking of ordinary things
You know misery is all that can bring
Hang on to Gurudeva’s lotus feet if you want to go
Harinama sankirtana acts like Bengali Mahal Jadhu
Gecko and I head off again for the spacey highway. Bowing to respect the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and then sprinting on to the main street. Over the first highway and passing one of the campa hattis and the whalers. The way through the treacherous triangle goes past a post office down past the corner keeping Saint Dagwood’s park on the right. The leaping monque waves ‘hello’ to the passing peddlers. Crossing the bridge over railroad track. Taking a left to swing by Bhakta Blade’s bhajana kutir. Seymour’s museum is closed due to the hour but the blue whale is there to greet the visitors. Leave is taken at the shop and I see a clock and understand I’ll have to hammer to make it back to the long and winding. So without stopping to talk with the bear I head on to the wharf road. There are peddlers out all along the way cruisers slow the pace when beasts are on the left. When they have passed then I continue weaving in and out of them till I’m folding my palms to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and spin along to the asrama.
On the ninth day of the waning moon of Kartik this outfit was offered. Guru Maharaja’s appearance day and Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari celebrated with this nightdress a few years ago. They gracefully dance the night way with happiness.
Those who make the Thakura’s clothes
must surely know
which colors go
on each day or be able to show
an acceptable reason
but those of younger years
don’t have the fears
the elders are bound by
please help them through your youth
and suggest a combination for a new outfit,
please speak the truth
‘cause what you say is what they’ll design
trust me it will be just fine
Gecko and I set off to his shop today for my rig needs tuning.
Bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa sprint to the main street pass the hospital curve and go through the triangle via the post box. From the shop i climb on behind Gecko all the back to the asrama. On a backup rig once again respect the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. Around the southland past Mahamuni’s post box on the way to the village laughing, along the beach to point of the hook and the big road. the soccer pitch is on the right while the wharf road comes up to take me back to the long and winding. Hammering hard back to the sandhya. a festival is about to begin so I have to get ready quick and call the faithful to hear the joyous chanting of the names.
When I put Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari in bed at night I leave them some keela khir to drink all night long. It will refresh them during their night pastimes. They call East Bengal the Radha desa, this dress is called baby blue.


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