Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gandharvika is Giridhari’s favorite consort
To join in his playful sports
In this outfit the skirt is a little too short
Well it’s one you’ve got to see
Leis of orchid and narcissus
Makes the rasa much more delicious
To hear of these pastimes is all-auspicious
Well it’s what you’ve got to see
The gecko and I sprint past the ratha-bhojana-vrksa in a race against the rain. On to the main road into the southland back to the main road past the post office of Mahamuni that’s the lion’s park on the right where the school kids play up the hill next to the campa hatti at the top make the left to pass the cemetery on the left side and library on the right the opal cliffs are empty the sufferers must be staying home to watch the rain but the gecko and I point to the hook as we hammer between the lakes to the redone road next to the harbor where all the boats are tethered due to the impending rain the natasala is ready, we know it, the line forming for the evening show the gecko and I take leave he to the shop and me through the triangle past the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot and back to the tennis park beyond there is the toad road down there the toad himself comes to tag along past the basketball park on to the soccer pitch and the wharf road the long and winding comes on the right where I charge up to the rath-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa trails me to the sandhya at the hidden valley the kalarupa goes on the attack but I’m just that far ahead that he can’t quite overtake at the gate we leap the chain and come down in the puddle and mud but keep the spin to meet and shake hands with the sandhya.
The hiranya kasipu nightdress this evening as the deities are almost rested, that is no one is staying up too late for their dancing exhibition they just go straight to bed.


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