Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gurudeva’s mercy is where they came from
Our past doesn’t matter since it’s gone
Don’t want to be chained to a life where nothing is gained in search for the true satisfaction of the soul
Mahaprabhu in mango, Giridhari has traditional yellow and
Gandharvika has blue
Sue ‘nila vasana on Tuesday that’s name murka’s hung on you
And the dress gets changed with every new day
Tulips and assorted flowers make these leis
The gecko and I stop at Mahamuni’s post box and then the snob hill. Through the village we go bells on handlebars ring keeping spirits light.
The sufferers are out to take advantage of the second day of sun in a row.. Between the lakes the cruisers are in force. But the redone road is vacant. The natasala is dark once again and the gecko goes to the shop. I take the corner and pedal past the reviewing stand to the triangle. Up the peddler’s ramp to see the bear. On to the wharf road to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa is ready for my folded palms. The kalarupa followers me up the sandhya .
This evening in the rain and the chill Vamsi dasa babaji comes a riding his horse of a different color talking like a pirate.


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