Monday, December 22, 2008

Let's all go for darsan of the Lord
He's wearing an outfit that was offered a long time ago
In days of old in days of old
It has all the colors of the rainbow
Give Them your heart They're the perfect size to fit right in
In days of old
Sing a song that will ease Mahaprabhu's separation and calm his heart
In days of old
Leis of roses and petals with centers that gaze into the stars
In days of old in days of old
Taking off from the asrama for the stars of the morning the gecko and I bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and pick up the pace on the main road. Crossing the bridge over the first highway we see yet a different campa hatti and one of the folks is there buying campa for the leis. On we go to see the whalers detailing yet another beast. The triangle is quick and smooth today. In Saint Dagwood's park there is a band playing but there ain't no time to wonder what we've got to get there so I can get back for the vaikalika. Turning our faces back now the gecko takes his leave at the shop and I slide down the peddler's ramp to the bear and say “hey”. Then the wharf road takes me to the long and winding. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa is happy as I fold my palms and the kalarupa chases me back to wake them. Then I go for seconds past the southland and into the big road. From there I do a quick circle of the opal cliff to the point of the hook. I take the right to the soccer pitch and keeping it on my left once again I hammer down the wharf road to the long and winding one. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa is surprised to see me another time folding my palms and the kalarupa is huffing and puffing as I drag him to the sandhya.
Mrs. O'Leary's cow must have snuck into Giridhari's herd this evening cause as they got into their baby blue nightdress the mandir was so hot that it was almost time to open a window. But the weather outside was frightful so they engage in their pastimes inside.


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