Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gandharvika's sari looks like the sun going down
Mahaprabhu and Giridhari have all the colors of the rainbow
Flowers and leaves everywhere a new stylist did their hair
Decorated with all the colors of the rainbow.
Leis with Russian spacers, roses, and red ones with eyes
The gecko and I offer respect to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa as all good days of pedaling begin. Soon we've crossed the bridge over the first highway and heard the clank of the aluminum bat. The tennis park is on the left and the natasala is waiting for the show tomorrow. There are tandems on the corner and recumbents in the harbor. The sufferers are again building a bon fire between the lakes. At the windmill the gecko turns to go and I sprint on racing with the light to see if I can make it up the wharf road to the long and winding one where I fold my palms to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. The kalarupa chases to the sandhya and the premes all cheer.
In the ninth Guru-gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari put on their red and purple nightdress and dance all night even though it is inside.


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