Tuesday, November 18, 2008

For Guru Maharaja’s appearance day this is a new thing
The shade of a heavenly cloud
Red backdrop makes it all pop out loud
Leis of mums, petals and roses that face the world saying
“I’m a flower child!”
Silver trim with red ribbon one calls it red white and blue
Showing how their colors are true
In a world of names each outfit has a few
Ratha-bhojana-vrksa is waiting for my bowed heard and when it sees I pass on to the main road where the gecko stands waiting. We cross the bridge and turn at the hospital curve light where we meet up with the team and join their pace line. They go along the opal cliff and then into the point of the hook that causes us to pass the pace line. They pick it up after seeing us passing them. At the natasala the gecko takes leave and I go around to the reviewing stand. The peddler’s ramp calls me to the soccer pitch. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa knows I’ve folded my palms when I catch up to the kalarupa and head for the sandhya who is happy to see us.
Talking like a pirate and riding a horse of a different color Vamsi dasa babjis enters marakata Mani puri. The Deities are staying in tonight though. They’ll dance all night long in their beds.


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