Sunday, October 12, 2008

When you’re leery, feeling misdirected
Confusion fills your mind they’ll clear it up
Like saffron mercy particles the angels are sent down
If you’re on sankritan on a busy street and illusion’s darkness comes so hard they’ll lighten your heart
When times get rough and shelter just can’t be found
Like saffron mercy particles the angels are sent down
When guru maharaja appeared here with his torch of divine knowledge
He’ll open our eyes
So if you need a guide just cry Krsna Krsna and run along behind
And like saffron mercy particles the angels will purify your mind
It all started at the asrama door when the wind was blowing and the gecko and I thought perhaps not to go out but the ratha-bhojana-vrksa called for respect and we answered. Along the main road to the hospital curve over Saint Dagwood’s creek and past the tennis park (no I won’t consider revising Toffee nose), We turn to the redone road and see some one sitting just outside the natasala but there is no show this day. Sprinting to Saint Dagwood’s park and circling the trader we go on to the leaping monque. Chasing a pack of fg freaks all the way to the hill of the manahatana we take the left and they carry on. Next is the natural bridge along the way to the great blue whale. Turning there to the west cliff where the sufferer thakura stands looking happy with a fresh lei today. There we make the break for the spinner’s church and on to the ramps of the mountain men who are exhibiting all their tricks. Through Saint Dagwood’s park we chase on to the shop where the gecko takes his leave. I have some time today so I make a wide sprint around the harbor and between the lakes to see all the sailboats floating by. Under the sun the temperature feels so warm that I have to open the sweat shirt a little. The soccer pitch has a big match going on but I choose not to watch but head directly to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa accepts my folded palms. The kalarupa gives chase and we nip and tuck all the way to the sandhya. Some of the folks wave as we go by and the sandhya is turning cartwheels to see me there in time.
In the ninth tonight as the night dress and the moon is getting fuller. The cool of the evening keeps them inside to enjoy their night’s activities.


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