Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chinese silk, diamonds and rubies the finest oils, incense and peppermint, Shakespearian speech, residence in the plane of Kurvera unlimited opulences are of no use now seeing Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari in the true value of a silk turban.
Sickness can surely make you pedal on trails you don't very often go. First there is of course the ratha-bhojana-vrksa then on down the road to the main road. Our uncle is standing by the road side waving at all the passers. I wave back and he smiles. On the bridge over the under construction highway I nearly get squeezed through the guard rail but recover enough to head up to the rainy festival and enter into the world of peaceful music. A left-handed guitarist is pointing to the sky as he sings some words misunderstood by a select few. I see own self-misspending my youth pedaling on a butterfly. That self can't know that it I am he who am the roadie looking across the decades at him. Then from nowhere in particular a dog howls and I pedal instantly through some several years to the place I was before and meet the gecko who says I should be in bed nursing my cold and as such I rise to the occasion of the vaikalika service.
Avast me hardies! That's Vamsi dasa babji Maharaja a coming up the road there on his horse of a different color entering the Marakata Mani Puri and shiver me timbers he's talking like a pirate. Bhakta Blade took the reigns this evening but it wasn't his best night. His mad skills were mad tonight. But I'm sure he'll recover come the morning and he'll be his old self again. In the mean time Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari go on enjoying like anything all night long.



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