Thursday, January 17, 2008

A realized sage could call you from the depths of your fleshy cage
And reorder your life to the transcendental grace
And uncover your golden service form with the kirtan from Navadvipa
Then taste the fruit of that sacrifice losing all material conception
As a dew drop on the lotus leaf surrounded by water but not of the water
Now that you find that you are whole
Follow the angles to that plain back to home
Off to respect the tree and then to the morning star and watch it rise overhead. Having seen the stars I get on the path back to the asrama. Some pedalers are in wintry gear and others are in full on racing shorts. The chill sets in as the sun goes down but racing the sun once again around the east cliff where the sufferers are talking about the good old summer days. Still I go on to wharf road down to the main road and then the long and winding where the tree welcomes me back and allows me to go on for the sandhya.
It's a miracle mom that this one ever was finished in time. The chill in the air keeps them inside tonight still they enjoy their pastimes unlimitedly



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