Saturday, January 12, 2008

Once upon a time in a land so far away that to go there took many a day
And they only way to travel there was by dragonfly.
Everything there has a feeling of lighter than air like a watercolor.
Even the clouds in the sky of brilliant blue swirl like cotton candy.
Leis of roses, daisies, iris, and tulips and after arriving on snap dragons.
Hugging the side of the long and winding while folks place trust in blind curves as they over take. I pray to the tree to keep me out of their path.
The trainers are bundled up like those in the iddarod. The errand makers pedaled bravely in their winter coats and the west side triangle didn’t have time to gobble them up. The harbor is quiet but not empty between the lakes only joggers the windmill boasts hot drinks and the cove is inviting the sun to return. The vaikalika and sandhya call me back soon as my pedals will carry me. Sprinting down the wharf road and offering “all glories” to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa I speed along on the last ray of the not so sunny day.
The most blessed event this evening sees Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari set for more of their night pastimes chodders on under the starry starry sky with a hint of winter in the air.



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