Thursday, November 24, 2005

when the gurus on the altar
get up and tell you where to go
and you’ve just eaten a pakora
that’s got material conception low
just ask Mrgari, i think he knows
When dollars and diplomacy have fallen sloppy dead
and the dhotis are sewn backward
‘cause the tailor is off his head
might be what the pujari said
it’s only where the angels tread

“The white knight is talking backward” is it’s name

It was also a Nrsmha Caturdasi outfit.
As i pedaled today i saw a bumper sticker for the first time that asked the question "What part of'Thou shalt not kill' don't you understand--God" i took a unique path today . Sort of the same as usual but inside out and backward. Some cyclists with lights some without. Some of the withs chastiesd the withouts. "What good is your helmet without a light?!!" If the right answer wasn't given they would respond "that's what I mean, you don't understand!!!"

This evening the dress is called the Lotus Nails. It's another Nrsmha's appearance dress. Since it has a rust color to it to accent the green.


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