Sunday, November 20, 2005

Radharani appeared under a golden lotus. This dress offered in 1998 on the Radhastami day is made from white beige silk. It's cutinto the shape of petals and has flowers hand sewn on. The seamstress and her crew worked for months on this one. And by now if you haven't guessed this one is called Hiranya Padma or golden lotus.
Cycling down by the world wide westside i came upon a side of the beach that was formed by a large rock. The water had worn a tunnel like hole in it to form natural bridge. Also there were about a million monarch butterflies in the trees in a near by park. People come from all around to see the clusters butterflies hanging from the branches so thick sometimes it's hard to tell them from leaves until their wings move.
Cycling back to the temple in and out of the holiday shoppers return for the vaikalika offering, sandhya arati and later the putting the Deities to rest.


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