Sunday, November 13, 2005

The lady who made SanJose Mahaprabhu's clothes about five years ago had a calendar that only showed Govardhana Puja and not Guru Maharaja's appearance. So that year she thought the outfit she did was for Govardhana Puja. When that was discovered the devotees there told her and made some joke aboutit. Not knowing how it affected her, i aked her one day when the Deities here were wearing the same dress if this was the Govardhana Puja outfit. She showed her sweetest prepie smile and said "Shut up kid" so saying, she named this dress.
Just before the sandhya arati tonight, there was a birthday party for an Indian boy. It was his first birthday. Somehow his parents had a pinata, imagine that. All the children had fun breaking it taking "batting practice" swings. Later all the devotees had a laugh singing "happy birthday dear Om". Of course the child's name is Om, still it gave everyone a laugh.
The nightdress is made of Chinese silk embroidered with red roses. Taking cue from song in the play where i first heard the Hare Krsna mantra, it's called "the touch that kills". It was also first offered on Nrsimha Caturdasi.


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