Guru Maharaja has told us what we must do
to leave this mundane plane
die to live
ah but in his humor spelling was rearranged
diet olive is what came
coincidentally this dress is olive with green and yellow
one of Guru Maharaja’s sutras it fits the mellow
surya puspas smile at all out from the leis
along with baby’s breath and gerbera today
quickly pedal so quickly darkness is on it’s way
to sunny cove to catch the last rays
pelicans point the way to harbor hark
is that not Saint Dagwood’s park
round the corner to the cruiser king
through the treacherous triangle don’t let the beasts cling
sprinting along there are bells to be rung
meeting kalarupa under the famous tree where leaves are strung
sandhya celebration waiting with curtain drawn
hoping murka won’t be too long
now with night in the offing
purple white and orange nightdress while incense is still wafting
from arati they dance all night
all mundane fear takes flight
as the kali yuga starts
playing his flute Gridhari
meditates on the temple of Srimati Gandharvika’s heart
from where Mahaprabhu came out
with rose baby’s breath and mums in the leis
showing everyone the way
back to home
pedaling through a break in the storm
all trying to stay warm
round the hook
where the sufferers take a look
at Murka and I gliding along
staying strong
the flashing light on Murk’s ride
has beasts shaking their heads side to side
sun going down
call comes round
meeting kalarupa at mrga bhavana
pedaling on
to sandhya celebration
it’s changed the whole nation
storming keeps the Thakuras under the roof
wearing deep within the far off jungle
white with red and olive stripes
dancing till mangal arati life of everyone’s life
gurudeva he’s raised us up
to know that he’ll always protect
as long as we are sincere
brought us to the feet of Mahaprabhu
or aspirations to fulfill
when we feel ourselves so fallen
we can do ourselves no good
take shelter of his associates
set our souls free engaged in sankirtan
when the full moon rises over Nadia
in the month of Phalguna
race down to the natha mandir
see the thakuras in this Nadia Sasadhara
gold and silver
with roses and fun flower leis
with two in Giridhari’s lei
show their faces to the folks
fragrance bursting out
invite us to the eternal serving mood
showing the way out
meanwhile Murka and I aren’t going to miss today
even though we’ll have to pedal between the drops of rain
there’s a guy with a poncho over there
who is on the way to who knows where
drops are really coming now
making even the heartiest bow
to the idea of taking it under cover
what else could you expect from a cycle lover
round for the vaikalika at the ratha-bhojana-vrksa’s behest
greeted by wunderkind no less
now it’s the soft bed yellow and gold
that’s how this nightdress is told
when they enjoy like anything
waiting for the devotees to come to sing
as the mangal arati bells ring
is that haribol jal
or is it a drink from the madder plant family
will our gang get goofed on
if we don’t dress was well as the puckawalla
brown and rusty orange outfit
please come see the thakuras in it
leis of “Russian snow light flowers”
with roses made in a couple of hours
has the rain stopped or is it just a “sucker hole”
in the middle of the storm tempting Murka and I out to roll
the question is going around and around
let’s just go trust that if the drops come we won’t be found
look to the sky hear no sound
our minds throw out the doubt
so we pedal on out
beating our confusion
called by the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
to take the picture
the sandhya is nigh
now the synchronicity is the dress for the night
blue yellow and mango with red
our attachment grows as they get ready for bed
blue aruna violet orange gold and red
tell us it’s ekadasi
peacock mukuts and effulgence
make this tithi a classic
even though the thakuras have worn it many times before
the rose and button mum leis reveal more
new light each day
it’s the time of year when pedalers need be on guard
for the night comes fast and hard
this afternoon they dressed warm
to keep themselves from the “winter’s” charm
down where the opals are
hear the call of ratha-bhojana-vrksa from far
there’s a cool cat in an old stovepipe hat
and Murka looks to me to ask what do you think of that
meeting kalarupa at the fence of the mrga bhavana
ahead another pedaler so the chase is on
coming in for the sandhya greeted by Kumara
now it’s not too far
baby blue is what they call this nightdress
as they call east Bengal the Radhadesa
a chilly night they’ll spend near the fire
at mangal arati raise our conscious a little higher
puspa mukuts puspa mukuts
come down on the poet’s head
blessing him with proper direction
thakuras dressed in blue and hot pink
with rose and star gazer leis
at Gaura Purnima when Mahaprabhu descended
with his beauty and his associates
a blue ribbon personality is sure to appear
pedaling down to the cyber thoroughfare
where Murka and I speak with the topmost of them
after good conversation Murka and I head on to cyber space
next it’s the sunny cove to the tennis park to see a service ace
melting away to the campa hatti blending with the pace line
over the first highway staying in form real fine
under the ratha-bhojana-vrksa kalarupa is waiting quietly for Murka
as the call goes out he’s prompt for the sandhya
prahlad-a-dad is this evening’s dress
ready for them to go out dancing
even t he demigods are super impressed
at the prema kirtan where we’ll all be blessed