Wednesday, October 06, 2010

On the night of a full moon/lunar eclipse
People were bating in the ganges
Hari dasa thakura and Advaita acarya
Were dancing and chanting but no one knew why
And an astrologer said happily
This it was really true
There were lions in the zodiac and the birth time too
Of Nimai, Mahaprabhu
Meanwhile by the bathing ghaT
All kinds of rituals were being done
Thousands of devotees were giving charity
To the demigods and Brahmins as if one
And perhaps they didn’t know it was
Mahaprabhu who’d come making gloominess scat
The lady who came to make the leis
With petals and roses
Which delights their noses
Sweet aroma the whole day
Spinning to the spacey thoroughfare
Checking to see who was there
Three and thirty messages
were hanging in the air
Saw bhakta blade chanting his rounds
In his orange and black
Team baseball cap
On the way to the sandhya
Bowing to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa
The kalarupa came along behind
Reminding him to take a picture
Then it came time for OPT
To help them into their pink and emerald green
Nightdress ”talking like a pirate”
But could put the mukut on Giridhari
So left it up to me


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