Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This dress was offered one Radhastami
Vests for Mahprabhu and Giridhari
Red and purple skirt for Srimati Gandharvika
The date was Friday the 13th
Knew that had to be the name
Incense smoke billowed from the thakura vadi
Aroma of the leis wafted through the air
Roses, dahlias, sunflowers and lilies
fix your eyes on how they coil round their lotus feet
murkha and I spin along the main street
the dvitiya campa hatti and whalers make it complete
Rickshaw horns, fixed gear freak outfits
Tree hugging dirt worshipers with sharp wit
Between the lakes are the geese
Wings flapping their honking will never cease
At the shop I have to stop
Murkha looks over the first highway from the top
Ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls
Heeding “Gaura Premanandi” murkha drawls
Kalarupa gives chase
While Murkha sets the pace
The sandhya awaits
Cotton tails and quail scurry about the place
It was on a caturdasi in may
Kirtan leaders came to play
Seeing the new nightdress’s style
And how the lion necklaces always raise a smile
Laughing lion by the lightening’s light


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