Monday, May 31, 2010

In the nath mandir you look at what the thakuras wear today
You say “Jaya Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari
The thakuras seeing you brings you good cheer
Captain Zigzag’s electric serpentine line of truth
Sparkly purple and green for the supreme tooth
The triangular fold motif repeats across them all
Madyana kalika arati fills the room with the aroma of the leis
upon the gentle breeze of this next to last day of May
Impress this picture on your mind and you won’t have to die
It will remove the cataracts from your darkened eyes
Murkha and I meet in the sunny afternoon
The pedals and derailleur playing their own sweet tune
A fixed gear freak goes by nose to the sky
But Murkha and I pedal around him waving bye-bye
Then the wheels screech the end is within reach
I have to take my leave because I a class to teach
He bows to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and shows the kalarupa the way to the asrama where victorious rama is the greeter . he asks if I know the way to saint joseph’s I say yes indeedy duty
But then I have to lament the pedaling ends too soon for us all
In the ninth the Deities take their rest in the red and deep blue nightdress that is reincarnated from an outfit past still they dance all night long


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