Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gurudeva’s mercy is protecting us, reducing karma’s blow
taught us to see Krsna everywhere
trnad api sunicena taror api susinuna
on thirteenth street there were backdrops with peacocks swooning at the sight of the divine couple. Soon they found themselves virtually retired before their time it took the seamstress to rescue them from obscurity by placing them in this Gaura Purnima dress. Put them in a new dress back in the prime of their youth
no one knows what magic potion was in the teal paper silk but it reached out and touched the old bird made him feel his inner chick wanting to burst out to become the oldest of all in a new dress. Leis of roeses once again taking the form of lotus buds gently gracing the thakura’s forms in a light and fragrant way
after prasadam that couldn’t be beat the pedaling began with feeling getting away from the campa hatti and the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot to the harbor keeping the tennis park on the right. The highway is there with folks and conversation. Street lights say it’s time to get back to where the asrama is bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa will take it from there. The mighty quinn is the welcoming party but murka scares him out of two of his lives with the headlight.
In fact the mighty quinn felt as if he were a lion on the chase, tonight’s dress of green and purple with the chodders of the season.
In every Middlesex, village and town
as the kirtan party comes around
bird of the holy name makes a nest in your ear
playing his flute calls all his devotees near
stealing everyone’s heart he’ll teach them how to have fun
Everyone’s best friend but only by his mercy is he known
he protects each and everyone
with his blue flower pushed over his left ear
looking like a dancing actor
have his darsana and you’ll live in the service world forever
leis of roses and lily buds with center rose cluster
even the maker couldn’t stop raving about the luster!
From the asrama to Saint Dagwood’s park dim light cool time for pedaling. Murka waves as the recumbent goes by along with the guy in the tree light helmet. Past the harbor and tennis park there are many people in winter gear out to shop like there is no tomorrow. People on fixed gears and others just out for fun I take my leave at the shop as Murk heads down the ramp and talks with the bear. The wharf road takes him to the main street and to the long and winding to bow to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa.
Deep within the far off jungle is the nightdress tonight. Silk from one member in the southland with Russian chodders that make air the most warm thing imaginable.
The sun is beginning it’s northern orbit
Calendar said it was the Ekadasi day
It’s the usual fast from so many things
Second one this month
So the thakuras slipped into their ekadasi dress
Arati started about 12:25
I asked the pujari just before he opened the curtain
Is this arati starting on time?
The capatis weren’t made of wheat flour
Dahl wasn’t even on the Thakura’s plate
they had slipped into their new clothes with every color in the rainbow
pujari recited the prema dhvani
bhakta vrnda were shouting “ki jaya!”
it was a most happy feeling they were banging their karatalas no more
lady making leis sat down and I said “there are more flowers outside”
when she had finished a leis or three she handed them quietly inside
O the dress had every color in the rainbow
and the cooks only made enough rice for the thakuras
so the prasadam was slipped into a plastic bag until Ekadasi is done
Let me pack it in a rice bag so you can eat it on the plane
Someone can drive you to the airport just don’t catch the Ekadasi blues
Pedaling where the earth meets the ground and murka’s mind takes over. Past the whalers and the natasala around the corner past the reviewing stand to the harbor with the tennis park on the right I take leave at the toad road while Murka goes along with the basketball park on the left. The navapatra is there with patram and phalam for the offering. The pitch is on the right as the wharf road comes along to take him under the first highway to the long and winding and the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where he folds his palms. The kalarupa chases him to the sandhya where he is greeted by a gaggle of geese honking under the kusa grass.
After the long and windy day the Thakuras take rest in their Hiranyakasipu outfit, gold and soft yellow silk. They dance all the while with their chodders floating on the breeze.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

please make a new outfit the lord’s birthday is coming
you know Gaura Purnima’s the big day and it’s time to start running
new scissors, thimbles, thread and needles
the seamstress and her people will use and need them
many colors and combinations have been used many times
still yellow, mango and red hadn’t been tried yet
young minds full of service were at work to suggest it
older minds had been a little confused
so age bracket tremor reduced the breach between them
and I rejoiced openly when the seamstress and her ladies
began to conceive of the words from the mouths of babes
experienced leis makers were at work in the prasadam hall
using roses, petals, leaves and sumanas flowers for their product
leis that danced with the thakuras being so light and fluffy
across the main street is the entrance to the highway
where Murka goes to speak with all his friends
but his time allowance keeps getting smaller and smaller
blocked at top speed, about twenty-five miles an hour,
a no see them field ensnared Murka and I
through the village to the coast line pointing to the hook. The cruisers congregated between the lakes where the geese flapped their wings and ruffled their feathers. The natasala is ready for the show with people buying their tickets. I take leave to get to the shop and Murka goes along the pedaler’s ramp to the wharf road. Out from under the first highway he hears the call of the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and folds his palms while the kalarupa pedals along to keep him on time for the sandhya.
They call east Bengal the Radhadesa, where the Ganges does not flow, this outfit is baby blue and tonight they are sporting their chodders due to the chill in the air. Dancing inside this evening they take rest on their beds decorated with aromatic flowers.

Walking into the temple we know we don’t deserve this
Still we come to present ourselves for service
we sing a bhajana or two and even three
we notice the new outfit the Deities are wearing
pujari says it’s called “Yantra Puri”
cause the little jewels keep falling off
someone asks why the seamstress won’t listen to the names
he said listen you really wouldn’t understand
looking at the leis memory goes back to a great society
where one thakura has a lei made of lotus buds
today’s may only be roses still they look just like padma
prabhu if you become absorbed in service Gurudeva will take you home
by his grace it’s not such a long way but we’ve got to want to go
to the navapatra patram, puspam, phalam murka is carrying a knot in his back and so I have to take leave and watch him limp home. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees the folded palms and the kalarupa helps Murka to make it for the sandhya.
OPT busted his toes on the heater and lost three pints of blood or so he says, wiping it down and I add choddders for the winter season on top of the Prahlad-a-dad nightdress. In the mean time the Thakuras go on enjoying like anything.
Receiving Gurudeva’s mercy and may be on the way straight home to the highest plane but I feel so dizzy I look in the mirror to be sure my guru is here with me too
And you know good and well the puckawalla doesn’t drink coffee and so you fill his cup full of haribol jal and the members of our gang sharing tilak around the jal mandir and the chodder puckawalla let tracy lie by the fire on but mighy Quinn attacks from his pill box ledge and I thought you were a puckawalla?! Man our gang is in this line before he
At the twilight Murka felt like pedaling to the highway of space after respecting the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and crossing over the first highway to see the campa hatti and hear the whalers engaged in nama sankirtana. After circling Saint Dagwood’s park Murka and I pass the reviewing stand where the cruiser king was presiding. At the natasala I take my leave to the shop and Murka goes on through the treacherous triangle. From there to the pedaler’s ramp on to see the bear. The pitch is on the right as he turns to the wharf road. under the first highway as the ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls and Murka folds his palms as he joins the kalarupa under the lights to the sandhya
O deer dough have you seen Krsna? He is wearing mint green with extra chodders while dancing under the waxing moon. A quiet night they dress quickly ready for their evening pastimes.

Monday, November 23, 2009

May I sing to you about Gandharvika?
She’s teaching divine prema to the entire world!
Sitting at Gurudeva’s lotus feet
Listening to hear his words that will take me from this mortal world
Crystal mukuts sparkle takes our eyes from anything less
Seeing such beauty that defeats the beauty of the moon
Tears of separation burning in my soul
makes me want to go to the other side of consciousness
Got to leave this plane try to be a magic boy, servant of Sri Gurudeva
got to enter into the serving mood seeing the leis of roses
along with other fun flowers that flow so exquisitely
before the madhuryadhuti (effulgence of Srimati Gandharvika)
Hear her train coming to take us all back home
Having left the light where it couldn’t do anything to dispel the darkness Murka and I took off over the first highway past the campa hatti and the field of the clank of the aluminum bat. The whalers are singing and dancing on the right. Sprinting through town past Saint Dagwood’s park and the leaping monque. Ascending the beach hill and passing Bhakta Blade’s kutir Seymour’s museum is in sight. Stopping at the navapatra to connect to the spacey highway Murka talks with friends. Look at the screen he sees that the darkness is searching him out and so I take leave leaving him alone to cross back over the hill looking to see that even the mountain men have left for home. The monque cheers him on and he climbs once again past the corner and Saint Dagwood’s park. near the hospital curve he can see the dark beginning to breathe down his neck. Faster and faster he pedals sneaking under the yellow flag a couple of times all the way to the long and winding. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa is happy to see him bow his head and the kalarupa checks his chronograph in disbelief, ‘how did he get here so soon?’ he wonders no time for more than that kalarupa has to try and catch him now conversation goes on between the two and soon dark has all but enveloped him as he jumps the chain and frightens a deer quietly grazing there. The sandhya clicks his heals and cheers as Murka enters the asrama.
In the ninth the rasa you take is determined by the rasa that you meditate. Coti’s close so in need of repair Murka calls an audible and they take their rest earlier than usual.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

In the brahma mahurta when you wake up with the mantra running through your head
first thing you do when you get out of bed
is head for arati and join with the masses
to see if the pujari offers wearing rose color glasses
now the question arises ‘why does each outfit have a name?’
‘why does murka play this silly game?’
well how else to separate each one from it’s classmates
as well as make a schedule for each month’s dates?
Taking darsana of this one just after dark moon night
Calling it Follow the angels serve Gurudeva receiving inner light
Thakura’s leis of roses and zinnias dancing making a melodious sight
Navadvipa rasa just as sweet as gur
Above all that’s what everyone is searching for
Racing to the surya kutir looking for a freebie but it isn’t there so it’s off to the whalers on to the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot. Left there to the redone road that leads to the harbor. Right between the lakes where the geese mock the tourists the windmill is empty right to the sunny cove smoothly in and out of a line of beach cruisers to the wharf road under the first highway back to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa folding palms and following the kalarupa to the sandhya under the lights with the reflexive property of equality on his backpack Murka enters the arena of pure consciousness with quail welcoming him
Once SP said the thakuras could be termed “the magic dolls” and this nightdress called ‘it’s a miracle mom’ made so quickly it made the seamstress’ four heads spin!
With Guru Maharaja’s vyasa puja on the horizon and knowing he appeared at midnight the seamstress planned an outfit from multitudes of shades of purple saris.
Can you give me your sweet shelter?
Prepare me to be used to serve Mahaprabhu
It’s miracle I’m sure that you can do
Lavender veil, violet long coat
Leis of yellow roses bending around their fair forms pointing out every
Fold, curve and crevasse in their bodies adding a heady scent to the arena of their dancing.
Pedaling through the storm trying to dodge the raindrops Murka and I look for the drier quarters where the pedalers all go the places they only know. Some in raingear and some not afraid are a little wet but all are smiling and feel the glow of being out in spite of the adi daivic kelsa. Along the beach there are a few sufferers out there to catch the biggest wave. Through the puddles and between the drops it’s on to the natasala were no one is waiting outside even though there is a show about to begin. At the shop I take leave telling Murka that he needs a new pair of shoes. He goes on through the treacherous triangle to ask the bear if it will be all right. The wharf road is there to take him back to the asrama. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa keeps the drops on it’s branches while Murka and the kalarupa get together for the last mile and three quarters to the sandhya where only the kernel of divine love is waiting saying “well at least you aren’t in an ambulance.
Deep within the far off jungle is the nightdress and there the thakuras have taken refuge for their evening pastimes to stay dry and see the stars returning o the sky.
Consciousness is wandering aimlessly meandering across each and every mundane universe
Devotees laughing, kirtan’s joy is inviting and tempting all to come across each and every mundane universe
Mahaprabhu’s vest, Giridhari’s cloak, Gandharvika’s valanced skirt darsana of this dress entices all to the serving mode
Leis of roses, petals and full are swaying, spinning with every move of the thakura’s gait
Always meant to change the world
Through the wild roses changing the rain to sun, the clouds are being blown by the wind still the sky is clear. Pedalers are in wind breaking gear many more out today waving as they pass. The village has some foks today with the temperature rising the sun being in the sky in late afternoon it comes back down again. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa is awaiting folded palms has the kalarupa waiting to escort Murka back for the sandhya where a Utonian is welcoming him in.
A windy day and a busy day so the Hiranyakasipu nightdress is soft and comfortable to let them rest before rising for the mangal aratil

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Traveling on airplanes, boats, tata sumo Sue Nila Vasana came for Radhastami
In Vrndavana dhama cowherd boys and girls celebrate Radhastami
Singing and dancing seeing the new dress Sue Nila Vasana
Many days coming for darsana brings memory of Sue Nila Vasana
Praying that pictures of this celebration appear in my head
Causing a river of nectar to descend visualizing Sue Nila Vasana
Quoting slokas in praise of Srimati Gandharvika's qualities
being seen by her dressed in Sue Nila Vasana
Gurudeva makes me a divine slave, knowing where my mind has been
Time to rise in the wee hours see the chic leis of petals and roses
beautified by being on Sue Nila Vasana
pedaling along the highway over the main street. The friends there ready to talk a lot. Soon though Murka and I have to get on with the afternoon. Around the navapatra and the point of the hook. The geese are between the lakes flapping their wings and sounding off. I take leave at the shop and Murka goes around the trader's back to the reviewing stand and the cruiser king pedals along at least to the wharf road. There he takes leave and Murka goes on under the first highway to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa who sees the folded palms of Murka taking off with the kalaurpa to the sandhya.
OPT helps them into their Marakata Mani puri riding on a horse of a different color talking like a pirate. Emerald and hot pink also from Radhastami when that day coincided with talk like a pirate day. Shiver me timbers!
Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari look so sweet
flowers and Tulasi leaves at their feet
madhyakalia is coming and worship will be long
take a peek at the new cloth selection
get ready to bow before the thakuras
down on our knees to pray aruna har posse rides again
brushing a line of ants to the side
but we want them to stay alive
taking pictures of the thakuras smiling wide
keeping their forms in mind will make every one wise
offering the new leis
fresh for the new day
symmetry is beauty in it's most pure way
going to the shopping precinct to keep finger prints off the lenses a pedaler that usually crosses in the opposite direction is traveling in the same way but Murka and I fly by like nothing. Fixed gear folks in college get-ups while e-pedalers are feeling smug going up hill until Murka and I pass on the left just before the crest like they aren't even there. Turning at the shop I take leave and Murka sneaks through the treacherous triangle on the way to see the bear and the navapatra the pitch is on the right and the wharf road takes him left where a beast nearly eats him alive but the main street comes along to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa is waiting. A beast goes by and shouts get a life (or was that light?)
Nails aren't a weapon and don't break Hiranya Kasipu benediction. Lotus nails that can look orange from stage right and green at stage left Still they rip the chest of Hiranyakasipu. A quick night the Thakuras are tired after a busy day with a crown fight and other mischievous actions

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In days when you were young
You dressed so fine like the sunshine
What was the value of your silk turban?
now you’ve gained the vision deep in your eyes
from Gurudeva’s grace and the spiritual sky
Shine on in your silk turban
You were caught in the middle of bhoga and tyaga
carried on the three modes
Come on you target for gurudeva’s mercy, come from bahirmuka to gurukrpa become vaisnava kukura
And bow down your silk turban
You’ve learned so soon
Gotten gurudeva’s boon
Being seen by Giridhari’s dress caused you to swoon
and bow down your silk turban!
Leis of roses follow the contours of the thakura’s bodies
they’re so light to allow them to dance all day and all night
and see the true value of Giridhari’s silk turban!
Pedaling to the navapatra from the village and the point of the hook. Meeting friends on the highway for a short talk then on to the natasala where the show is over and people are coming out I take my leave at the shop as usual and Murka goes on to the redone road between the lakes where there is another gathering at the windmill at the pitch the game has also ended the players are talking together and celebrating the wharf road takes him under the first highway and sees a familiar pedaler on the way to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa takes Murka to the sandhya on the way the motorcycle sloka slinger speeds by.
To bed to bed with the touch that kills red embroidered Chinese silk and creamy white veil for Gandharvika and dhoti for Giridhari the outfit is so pretty, it’s no wonder that darsana with them at mangala arati is the touch that kills
When the veil has bumblebees
You know the new moon is above the trees
roses are in Mahaprabhu’s kirta and dhoti
and Giridhari’s is covered with black stars
it is the evening of the amavasya
just the stars to light the night
darsana of them will bring the minds true liberation
it’s amavasya
bring the leis in bring the leis in
but they’ve been given
to someone who put them on their lap
and left them in the belly of the beast
at bhogaratigiti the beast
brought them upon the altar.
Pedaling off to the stars on maple boulevard
some quite sticky
others with electricity
downtown is such a freak show
the guy in the pink with a parasol
has got to be the weirdest of all
all the pedalers here have made up rigs
some are cats others are flags and such
back to the shop where I take leave and Murka heads to the ramp and the bear. As the road takes him under the first highway the ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls out to him to join the kalarupa with brighter lights so he bows and takes after him. Together the shadows appear and disappear all the way to the sandhya
baby blue is the nightdress as the chill sets in they take rest early to make up for the late nights past. Then they go on enjoying like anything.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Walking in for darsana today
Giridhari's cloak looked magic
“wonderful!” someone with perfect tilak upon his head said
look at those stars they can only be seen
with the eyes you've not used yet
Gandharvika too, peacocks on her sari
Such a sight will “pay off all material debt”
Mahaprabhu, his sequin kirta illuminating the Thakura vari
Take the leis of petals, roses and fun flowers
Imagine what they could have been
with the missing orchids so hard to get
with one of Giridhari's bright stars
imprinted on your forehead along with gurukrpa
and soon you'll be in the spiritual know
pedaling along the long and winding with the sun going down Murka and I are on to the highway to speak of a possible trip to the old country. One at home says srisri gggg have a mischievous look, oh if she only knew! Then over the first highway to the whalers who are singing the praise of roadies left at the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot to the harbor and keeping the tennis park on the right heading to the toad road where the toad makes it a threesome that pass the basketball park on the left it's empty in the chill at the navapatra Murka purchases some fruit and I take leave he and the toad go on to the wharf road and under the first highway to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where the kalarupa brings the necessary light to the asrama where a motorcyclist is the welcoming committee.
It's getting to be the time of year when “Krsna is a brahmacari” was offered and this evening they are in a quick to take their rest. To get up and dance under the partly cloudy skies with a cool breeze blowing in from the point of the hook
Giridhari is the vipina purandara
and the navina-naragar bara
he spreads the noose of his sweet and charming talk
on Saint Patrick's day near Easter time
he let the arati begin fashionably late
when he plays the fifth note the entire yamnunatira rocks
he isn't ruled by any clocks
leis of full roses and fun flowers
picking the maker got so cold
“so I knew they are good” she told
on Saint Patrick's day at Easter time
he let the arati begin fashionably late
pedaling into the cool of the afternoon I tell Murka that in the world beyond the cool is really a person. “You mean there really is a Jack Frost?” Murka asks. Pedalers are beginning to sport their winter gear. Of course the fixed gear freaks are tougher than that. Even Murka isn't so frightened by a little chill in the air. The teams though have their longs out along booties on their shoes. He laughs and I think it's a good idea. The e-pedalers are similarly taking precautions. The sufferers are hiding. Any other folks on the beach are making bon fires. At the shop I take leave as Murka flies back to the sandhya passing the campa hatti and the drive in. swinging into the southland to catch the light to cross over to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa who waits for the folded palms of Murka and the kalarupa chases him to the sandhya where Vijaya is the only welcoming committee.
Deep within the far off jungle from Nrsimha caturdasi is the nightdress and they dance the night away taking rest a little later still this one samples from southland it all fits together so well.
Coming to the temple
Presenting ourselves before the Thakuras
asking to be engaged in their service
isn't it true prabhu?
Each with a jewel in their nose
Tulasi leaves at Mahaprabhu and Giridhari's toes
Can you see prabhu?
Before it was offered fitting it on
Gandharvika's skirt need more trim added on
Did you know prabhu?
Gurudeva has taken us from the muck
can't imagine how good is our luck!
Isn't it true prabhu?
Roses, petals and gerbera daisies
following the contours of their bodies
making leis the best way they know
sunny afternoon but the breeze is cold
Murka and I pedaling boldly
over the first highway and past the whalers
overtaking some cruisers with suffering boards on their rigs
the natasala is on the right
people waiting for the show tonight
coming to the shop I have take my leave
but Murka goes on to Saint Dagwood's park
starting back to the asrama the clock tower chimes
reminding that it's nearly sandhya time
keeping the campa hatti on the left side
he goes to the long and winding road
the ratha-bhojana-vrksa's branches waiting lonely
for him to come and fold his palms
the kalarupa pedals along beside him
in a race to see if they can beat the sandhya in
now as the Thakuras take their rest
in their soft and silky nightdress
that was offered on Nrsimha caturdasi
it is yellow trimmed with gold
just right for their bed of aromatic flowers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mahaprabhu is searching for you
Perhaps touch you with his lotus feet
Mahaprabhu is searching for you
Don’t know when the two of you might meet
It’s the reason we all are here
not to live in pain and fear
the bracelet on his hand has a superstar
waves of his mercy drowning all both near and far
extending everywhere
inviting y’all to come along
lovely leis with symmetry
come darsana and you’ll soon see
how they shine
when it’s to meet cyber friends Murka and I are pedaling all the way
crossing the bridge over the first highway to soothe their pangs of separation. The chill in the afternoon as the sun goes down may send pedalers home early but not Murka and I on an errand for Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari keeps the wheels turning round and round don’t you just love to see them spin? Through Saint Dagwood’s park and circling the trader’s Murka begins the return down the ramp to the navapatra patram puspam phalam yo me bhakta then the wharf road takes him under the first highway to the sandhya where one of the participants says he couldn’t see Murka too well
O deer doe! Have you seen Krsna? The question that the gopis posed to the deer while they were looking everywhere for him it was read on Radhastami while they wore this for the first time

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When we got to the arena of pure consciousness
Nila, Aruna and Syama were LIVE on stage
with Prabhu Sudarsana leading the kirtana
what a sankirtan party!
We have come in hope to see Mahaprabhu’s smile
We have come to have h is darsana
and he has come to search out his lost servants
taking saffron mercy particles from his foot dust
we’ll be uplifted, we’ll be golden
we’ll be able to cut through the mayavadi jargon
make the best use of this bad bargan
leis of roses for Giridhari-Gandharvika and smiling at the devotee’s faces
Mahaprabhu’s lei has roses plus gerbera daisies
Spending time with the friends at southland’s entrance to the highway. Along main street over the first highway to the whaler’s left at the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot the natasala is dark so it’s along the way to the harbor keeping the tennis park on the left the bear is so hungry Murka stops to feed him but needs a quill so plucks one from a passing dove the pedalers passing on either side are decorated with lights do chasse the darkness out to the beach the long and winding and ratha-bhojana-vrksa are ready for Murka to fold his palms and take the kalarupa up to the sandhya to be greeted by some several bhajaniyas.
Girihdari’s necklace gets contrast points from OPT this evening. Then he dresses them in their Prahlad-a-dad nightdress. “I’m not like I was when I was young,” he says, “Now I have to take rest early” “Must be my sloth influence” Murk answers and so they take rest about an hour earlier than usual.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

going to the tailor's shop
hoping that his price will drop
he's got the pick of the crop
but says “you can't have it your way”
pujari comes on his bicycle
but the tailor blood is cold as an icicle
and says “no, you can't have it your way”
on Janmastami come on make the scene
curtain is opened and the Thakuras look like a dream
tailor is still saying “You can't have it your way”
leis of petals, mums and a few full roses
back to the southland for the highway today four or five friends are there. A light talk and then on over the first highway to the hospital curve . The tennis park is on the left and the harbor is on the right swinging there to the natasala where the crowd is forming. The shop keeps calling over and I have to go while Murka goes through Saint Dagwood's park back to the reviewing stand and on through the treacherous triangle to the ramp and past the bear who has a lean and hungry look. The wharf road leads under the first highway and to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa there the kalarupa awaits with a light and an oncoming pedaler has a small light that looks like a road marker. At the asrama one of the locals blows a horn to announce the return.
In the baby blue nightdress Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandhravika-Giridhari are taking rest it's almost warm enough for chodders but not quite or so they say so this evening they dance under the light of the moon.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Have you seen Mahaprabhu in green?
First Gandharvika and Giridhari were one
Then for their divine pastimes they became two
Now they've come together again
Giridhari's yellow and Gandharvika's blue
Mahaprabhu has come to dance in sankirtan
Carrying the banner of love divine
Searching for his lost servants so he'll not rest
Do you think that these degraded times,
Heaps of heinous crimes
Can keep us apart?
You know that's not possible
I saw a hari nama party downtown on Halloween
Leis today of roses and mums
Facing the devotees per chance to dance into a dream
Murka and I go all the way along the long and winding to the navapatra
entrance to the highway. A couple of friends are there who talk shortly. A birthday wish and off to the snob hill a couple of tourists have are loaded with tents, sleeping bags, changes of clothes and other camping equipment a sufferer pedals by with a board strapped on another sufferer is polishing his board on some sawbucks the tennis park is on the right as I take leave at the harbor to the natasala and on to the shop Murka goes to the toad road the basketball park is on the left and the highway department is on the right the navapatra is also on the right and Murka sprints to the wharf road after some puspam phallam purchases under the first highway once again to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa helps beat night's purple legion and onto the scent of wild roses mixed with the buzzing of the asrama bees.
Now Mahaprabhu it's time to take rest, lying down for only a moment go on with your pastimes in the ninth under starry skies with your inside associates.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

She has bells in a ruffle of her skirt
So you know she’ll be on time
A love so divine
Brahmins of Nadia don’t know
What Mahaprabhu eats that makes him so
He and his devotees go dancing along the street
Singing “Mukunda, Madhava, Yadhava and Hari”
Urging the townspeople to take a love so divine
Giridhari on the bank of the Yamuna
Attracting the service of everyone as he plays
The fifth note on his celebrated flute
Directing everyone how to serve with love divine
Leis of roses and petals so artistically correct
Light and long enough to reach their knees
in their dance of love divine.
Pedaling between the raindrops to speak with folks on the Cyrus space then around to the shop for more patram puspam and phalam. The other pedalers are in full rain gear but they’re not deterred by the weather. Coming through the hook and the point to the tennis park that is on the right. The toad road takes the Murk to the big road and connects to the long and winding. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa beckons and waits for the folded palms. The kalarupa takes Murka to the asrama where even the deer are in rain gear.
A lion on the chase this evening purple and green another in the traditional nightdress for Nrsimha Caturdasi a long coat for Giridhari and purple veil for Gandharvika over her green sari with purple center.
Quite some time ago , if I rightly remember, this dress was offered for Janmastami
I knew when the curtain was pushed back
devotees would go into a trance
then they’d begin to dance
being happy in their service track
I know that I didn’t cry
as I saw all of them smiling wide
but I know it touched my heart inside
narcissus flowers in November make the leis
fragrant and tender so the Thakuras enjoy the day
Just at the twilight Murka and I take off to post some letters remembering that the lights are still at the astama. So it’s a quick one along the beach to the point of the hook. Between the lakes the geese are honking up to the natasala where the people are lined around the corner for the first show. The shop is calling me so the Murk turns around to the ramp and feed the bear. The wharf road goes under the first highway back to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and the kalarupa to beat the darkness. Off one and on to the other for the last minutes before the sandhya takes over
Night comes with the cloud cover to warm it a bit and the Thakuras dance deep within in the far off jungle!
Taking shelter of Gurudeva makes a life a whole new thing
Stops the ride that can be so wild
on Saturday this week
ecstasy reaches a peak
Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari are in their
“I’m a sumanas child”
sunflowers bursting in their trim
and around the effulgence rim
if a sumanas flower is offered at Mahaprabhu’s lotus feet
your life soon becomes complete
Gurudeva will take you home!
Lovely leis today tickle Giridhari’s toes,
Gandharvika’s forms a heart
Mahaprabhu’s cures all woes!
His hair still carries narcissus aroma
and all the devoted ladies say “ah’
Murka has a line in the sky across the main street. To the lion’s park and the campa hatti hill. Left there through the village where the tourist crowds are getting thin making it faster to get to the beach where the sufferers are in their warm wetsuits. The hook’s point takes Murka and I into a group of fixed gear freaks. They are hard core and sprinting hard. The invaders are weaving in and out and soon have gone beyond them to take the left at the harbor. The natasala is ready for the show but the shop is calling me over there while Murka takes the treacherous triangle to the ramp and the navapatra. The wharf road heads under the first highway where the long and winding is waiting along with the kalarupa for the bowed head and folded palms of Murka. The vaikalika awaits and after that he pedals up to the eucalyptus grove where the deer are amazed to see the boy on small horse with round legs.
After the gold seemed to be unavailable yellow became the choice. Then in a shop off the side of a side road there it was and Hiranyakasipu was back. After the mukut that almost wouldn’t stay together came off this evening Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-giridhari were ready for a late autumn nap.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

In a dream last night, what dream it was?
Mahprabhu had come for darsana of Sri Gopalraya
The dream last night was worth remembering because
All the devotees were chanting together
and the Deity’s crown full flowers and feathers
fell on to Mahaprabhu’s head
everybody laughed with ecstatic joy
‘cause it was such a wonderful scene
this one was offered on Gaura Purnima
one wanted to show this dream
as the curtain opened revealing the sight
all lit up with delight
today’s leis of roses that turn their faces
to see the smiles and feel their eyes embraces
oh how the dark winter age has begun. “Remember the lights” Murka tells me. Crossing the main street to the highway to have a short chat on to the big street and around the hook all the way to the point being swept up in a crowd of fixed gear folks all the way to the natasla at the shop I take leave but Murka goes on circling Saint Dagwood’s park back to the treacherous triangle dogging the beasts getting the shelter of the redone street and the tennis park. right to the wharf road under the first highway the long one winds Murka up to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa he bows and pulls the kalarupa to the sandhya as the lights are on.
On the horse of a different color Babaji Maharaja rides into Marakatamani Puri saying “Shiver me timbers! Dressed like this the thakuras could easily dance all night long!” so they did in the emerald and hot pink nightdress of the same name.
Lighting a stick of incense on the long and winding road
Only a mile and a half to the asrama hari bol!
Thakuras will soon be wearing their winter clothes
Still time to make madhyana kalia arati lets go
We’ll get more than liberation there tie your sikha and braid your hair
Devotees playing mrdunga and karatalas there
Suras, in their airplanes, shower flowers from the air
Visualizing the pastimes of Mahaprabhu
While singing words Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote
Curtain opens and there’s Giridhari in a purple coat
You can always find a verse to quote
‘bout his flute playing and the peacock feathers in his hair
his soft lotus feet and lotus petal eyes
whole roses make the leis
hint of symmetry and fragrance make such a pleasing pair
Quickly quickly the night it is approaching in, speaking of purple, shades that will soon reveal the flash of kinetic lights. There is one pedaler with light on the top of his helmet so bright that that’s all that can be seen. Freaky, huh, just some lights rolling along the street? A chill in the evening air but still plenty of sweat too. Around to the navapatra for patram and puspam. Along the beach for the last view of the sunset then the big road to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa awaits folded palms and bowed heads and the kalarupa is ready to show the way to the sandhya. in the dark only the bravest of cotton tails are there to greet Murka flying in for the sandhya
First the coat looks orange then it’s green
Wednesday nightdress to be seen on Thursday morning
First the coat looks orange then it’s green
From Nrsimha caturdasi named lotus nails, the weapon of choice
For hiranya kasipu
First the coat looks orange then it’s green

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

playing devotee scrabble
using words from the mouth of Gurudeva
die to live
cooking in the kitchen
pakora batter smearing suci clothes
die to live
letters squeezed together
changing the real pharse
diet olive
I can still remember when batter clings onto the shirt
making it appear air brushed
o prabhu, o my friend, please don’t end the game so early
tell me if that kind of olive is really real
die to live
leis of fragrant roses
swing round their necks
bowing before lotus toes
making a nest within their noses
they hit the deck
down the long and winding road over past the usual entrance to the highway circling around the sufferers to the point of the hook and between the lakes. The natasala is dark this evening after the party of the night before. Pedalers beware that the night is coming sooner now so all approaching have some kind of light at the ready. Some have the Indian style candle in the tin can all the way to the million candle power LCD. Fixed gear freak passes from behind and sweeps way off into the distance. Past the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot which is also quiet now after the month heavy traffic. On the redone street the boats have come in because of the dark. Keeping the windmill on the left Murk goes along to the wharf road. The soccer players are on the pitch where the referee holds his green and red flag. Under the first higway back to the long and winding where the ratha-bhojana-vrksa is waiting for the folded palms of Murka. Who is joining with the kalarupa to make it back before the light is completely gone.
The touch that kills, the nightdress from Nrsimha Caturdasi with it’s Chinese silk featuring embroidered flowers it always inspires Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari to dance just a little bit longer. No matter warm or cold, sweet perfume or the aroma of a Sunday kirtan they want to go on into the night.
Came into Kurukstra on the eclipse night
Seemed like they’d had quite a fight
Saw him in there in royal dress
Man it was a dreadful sight
“come back to Vrndavana dhama
the need for service is really great
so the reward is top
on this field of highest bhajana
and Gandharvika is in this hood
leis of petals and sumanas flowers
always light and easy to wear
the highway is the first stop from the main street. Back to the main street and over the first highway and around the curve at the hospital. The tennis park is on the left and the harbor is on the right. Going to the harbor and passing the shop I take leave and Murk goes around the corner to the reviewing stand. Through the treacherous triangle passing the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot. He goes down the ramp and the bear winks and smiles. On to the navapatra seeing one of the parishioners massaging folks. Back to the point of the hook where the sufferers are playing in the afternoon sun taking the big street to the long and winding. The ratha-bhojana-vrksa sees him bow his head and the kalarupa takes him back to the sandhya.
baby blue for Tuesday morning. Swirling and dancing in celebration of Gauranga Sundar’s arrival at his current home.