Wednesday, August 05, 2009

P-U-R-N-I-M-A we’ll see Candra’s full rays today
Dress Giridhari in blue and white it’s gonna be full moon tonight
The Bhagavat lets us know
Silk turbans have no value
‘till they’re bowed before the lord
later tonight the moon becomes full
then Griidhari’s turban will rule
“Hey leis maker are you finished please?”
“yes , and here they are roses with tuberoses fill the breeze”
the Bhagavat lets us know
silk turbans have no value
‘till they’re bowed before the lord
Gecko and I take off for the highway. Mahamuni is there with a “what-up-pup?” after talking with all the friends who have gathered there Gecko and I are at the village exit. Up the road to the point of the hook between the lakes are the geese honking away the harbor has the boats all out there isn’t a show at the natasala this evening but Gecko has to take leave there anyway I circle the park and come back to the ramp the bear says “hey!” another team is going the same way I blend in for a few blocks till they take a turn and I go straight to the wharf road ratha-bhojana-vrksa calls to me and I fold my palms kalarupa chases me all the way to sandhya
Pralad-a-dad is the nightdress this evening orange panel skirt for Gandharvika. Giridhari has a vest while Mahaprabhu’s is a straight forward outfit, dhoti kirta and chodder. The abasa krda comes along to tell the abuela about the species gathered outside her door. Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari are ready for their evening pastimes with grace and happiness.


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