Monday, March 09, 2009

The peacock has come to teach dance again
To the Lord of our hearts
Who dances on the whorl of the lotus flower
Instructed by His dancing guru, Mayur
Gurudeva tells he’ll take us home if we follow him and not our minds
Yes, that’s the first test that’s how it all starts
The peacock has come to teach dance again
To the Lord of our hearts
Rose and rose petal leis round their necks
That sways and sometimes breaks up while they dance
Another member accompanies the gecko and me at least ‘till the ratha-bhojana-vrksa where we bow our heads. Then our pace is too much and the new member gets left behind. We go off to the wharf road all the way and point to the hook between the lakes. The redone road leads on to the shop where we take leave. I go on around to the reviewing stand and then the triangle. The peddler’s ramp to the bear and then back to the wharf road. The main street takes me to the long and winding. The ratha-bhojan-vrksa watches as I fold my palms and accept the company of the kalarupa. We pull up for the sandhya and blow the sank calling everybody in.
Holy places are everywhere and each has their own name. The devotees there are able to perform kirtana in an unbelievable way. So learn to work the kartalas playing with your own flare. East Bengal has the Radhadesa Monday night has Baby blue.


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