There's something about this age of kali
That just seems to make people unluckier
Sun going down but the Bhagavat coming up
Drinking hari katha through the aural cup
This one's pasture media time
Mixing full roses and petals in the leis just the right size for pasture media time
Sp had been our light and then disappeared from our eyes
SGM came with the prapanajivanamrta his distilled and concentrated realization bringing us so high
Offered on his appearance day, this one's past your media time
All at once I folded my palms to the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and went into the southland. Pumping hard past mahamuni's post box up the snob hill into the village. At the wharf Johnny law directed everyone as the band played on. Speeding along the opal cliff to the point of the hook. The harbor is where the gecko meets me today. At the natasala the MERman are playing tonight and the people are waiting for a block. Around the corner we go at a gallop pace. The school is getting ready to close for the year as we pass. The King is at his reviewing stand one more time. The gecko has to take leave after we go through the triangle. I pedal hard to the pedaler's ramp crossing over the Saint Dagwood river I press on to the toad's. He joins me to the soccer pitch and wharf road. The long and winding one finds that it's me taking leave to respect the ratha-bhojana-vrksa. Just before the stop sign a break away group of kids passes me in the opposite direction. As I go a bit further an older pedaler going in the same direction of those calls out to me “Did some kids pass you?” of course I say yes and speed into the sandhya.
Sri Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari put on their hiranyakasipu dress before they jump into their soft beds. But with the clear night no one knows how long before they'll be dancing and chanting forgetting everything but their play of divine love
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