Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Coming to the altar seeing Giridhari in a waistcoat of seed beads and feathers the folks are pulled to the altar’s fence
Mahaprabhu in a filigree bundi takes his seat at Giridhari’s right side
Gandharvika seeing this fun smiles just a little bit more
Leis of multicolored carnations carve their image deep in our brain but not as deep as we’d like to capture it into our heart
On and along the asrama road trees come out of the woods and they stand there. Especially the ratha-bhojana-vrksa and I offer respects to that tree. Next to the post office to send away a payment to the great beyond. The gecko is waiting to see if I’ll really come by today and he cheers when he I pass by. The shoppers are no longer on the corner but the king still cruises. Then turning at the house that taught choc-o-lot to talk-a-lot and going on to the harbor. Between the lakes to the sunny cove one group is there making a fire, the rest are talking of the days of their youth, good times lost and ones yet to come. The fruit market calls me over to ‘check it out’. Then past the soccer pitch and on to the wharf road where a neighbor wishes me a happy new year and we come upon the tree bow a quick namaste sprint for the vaikalika service.
Tonight I’m praying that the lotus nails will rip the material desires from my heart and leave a picture of Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari in their night dress of that name in their place.



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