Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Don't tug on Superman's cape, don't eat grains on the Ekadasi day, and don't play with papa purusa. These are a few of the things that shouldn't be done by anyone. The leis are of petals and roses along with daisy mums. The priorities of the maker are "in the right place" today as the flowers for the leis are assembled.
Imagination sets in and soon i'm pedaling to a farm in nineteen sixty-eight. There is a jam going on back at the house as we meet again with pedalers who will in the future become masters class roadies and such but now are on their orange crates and varsities or those kinds that might come to be known as klunkers. Those are 'bent in the future are still upright today. Time marches on and the offering calls me back to the altar and Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari are ready for their evening meal and i return. Passing through the barn door.
And of course what more fitting name for tonight's dress than riding on a horse of a different color, Vamsi dasa babji enters Marakata Mani Puri talking like a pirate. Bhakta Blade was on the sick list this evening so things are a bit lonely but in the meantime Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika-Giridhari go on enjoying like anything



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