Sunday, September 16, 2007

Devoted Pralad's heart outpouring
The avatar of the lion roaring,
Demon on his lap expiring
The lion went to ahovla and washed his hands enjoyed some sweet rice, having rescued the earth
Offered this orange and beige dress, Guru Gauranga, Gandharvika Giridhari celebrated the appearance of Nrsinghadeva.
Fluffy dalais in shades of pink donated for the Deity's seva make the garlands today.
From the asrama past the florist and the market of flees, the hospital and hives of the bumblebees. Along the avenue and between the lakes the windmill comes on the left and the sunny cove is on the right. Staying between, trying to remain light, from the east cliff to the wharf road to complete the flight. Returning in time for the sunset show.
In the ninth Guru-Gauranga Gandharvika Giridhari load the bases with their inner circle and perform their pastimes to the fullest extent of their satisfaction



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